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02 Nov, 2011
I have a relatively simple traffic court case coming up later this month. Deferred disposition and defensive driving aren't options for me, so, on the advice of a Dallas-area attorney, I sought local counsel.
Now, keep in mind, these types of non-DUI/DWI cases typically take no more than 30 minutes of attorney's time; traffic court lawyers typically charge around $200 to handle such cases.
After describing my case to a rather...Type B secretary...who sounded quite sleepy, or bored, I received a call back from the secretary. She told me that Mr. Bass said he would be happy to take my case...for one thousand dollars.
I called the next attorney on my list who's practiced locally for 30+ years. He indicated that I could probably handle the case myself; reassured me that I had nothing to worry about; said that if I was nervous, he'd be happy to meet me at court or make a phone call; just call him closer to to the court date and remind him.
Night and day, people. Night. And. Day.
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