25 Sep, 2013
Pat handled my divorce with class. I was feeling hurt and lost - Pat brought calm and clarity to a very frustrating process. The biggest thing I want to mention is her follow-up. The devil was in the details when my ex kept changing jobs to avoid child support. At the lowest possible cost to me and my kids, Pat stayed with the details and worked everything through with a grace and calm. I really appreciate her demeanor in court. Kim in Pasadena, TX
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13 Aug, 2013
She got me custody of my kids from my ex-wife. It was a horrible custody battle. She did an outstanding job for me.
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06 Jun, 2013
Ms. Bushman was appointed to over see our court case in which my ex wife was taking custody of our daughter and I was taking custody of our son. She from the very start misrepresented the case from the very start. I have to believe she is bios towards the mother with the way she handled everything.
Long story short I had to go do all the digging to prove she was being dishonest and we in the end won our battle. My son lives with us aspergers I tried to get him help in 2009 but his mother would not allow it she was called into CPS over it and she denied everything and Bushman claimed she could find nothing as well. I found it and due to her sneaky past my lawyer with held it until the day of court. When we presented it she backed away it is a scary feeling to know your kids futures are in the hands of someone who will lie at every turn to achieve something instead of looking at the facts. My daughter which I got her school records today she has yet again failed she missed 14 complete days of school and she has missed 2,3 5th so many time the lady would not even count them out for me. All I can say is if you have her on your side she has no issues with lying to win but if the court appoints her then do everything you can to ask the courts to appoint a different lawyer to over see the case. She knowingly told the judge I canceled my kids insurance for the reason she wanted our son to go with his mother the same mother who she knew did not get him help. When the judge said he has one month before turning 18 and he had no say so over it. They called for him to be tested which we already had it scheduled to do so. She done her test and concluded Jonathan needed guardianship, I was angry because she struck again. Well the doctor called me and she told me her conversation did not sit well with Bushman and the only reason she wrote the letter to say he needed guardianship was to get him in a program like Texana to help him with his situation. I explained to her has been in line for 8 months. She then told me she was told I was doing nothing to help him according to Bushman. Well I sent her over the letter showing he was in line for over 8 months she emailed the judge and said she was under false information when making that choice and said now after seeing documentation she said he did not need guardianship. Well we went a step further knowing at every turn this woman was not telling the truth we begged the doctor to come testify in which she did with no problems at all and her testimony along with the paperwork from 2009 where I went and started help but after they spoke with my sons mother she told them they could not give any treatment to him. In the end she charged over 11,000 dollars for this service in which she stood in front of the judge and agreed with my ex wife's lawyer she was not working and wanted me to pay it all. I think the judge knowing my ex wife had been caught lying two times in the past about not working he made it 50/50. Just do yourself a favor if you are in a situation where the judge appoints an amicus lawyer do not just sit there and let them appoint this lady do everything you can to get another one appointed. She is not at all in for the best interest of the kids NOT AT ALL. I have no idea what drove her to her actions i stayed away from her and just decided to make sure to bring witnesses and paperwork to dispute all of her lies. I know they dont like to use the word lie but that is what she did almost from the very start but in the end at least my son is getting his help he has been going for about 4 months now and doing very very well. I would have fought for my daughter as well but she told me from the start she wanted to be with her mother and she would do anything to make that happen including ruin me so I never pushed it. I hope people see this and can avoid the same thing I went through as this not losing money here she is gambling with a kids life and that is very sad.
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Abdul adisa
13 Feb, 2013
I used the services of Attorney Bushman in my divorce case in 2009 with four children involved in the joint custody. I had to rehire our services again last month to enforce the divorce decree regarding the property division on the same case.
I had an attorney who started on my case earlier before I met Ms Bushman so I know the difference between an experienced honest professional family lawyer from a novice jack of
all trade. Ms Bushman is one of the most professional and very experienced Family Law attorney in Houston today.
I found her services to be of high standard and at a reasonable cost. She has various payment
options to choose from. One can negotiate a "fixed charge" for simple straight forward case or choose a "variable itemized billing" for a more complex and unpredictable case. In my 2009 divorce case, I received monthly itemized billing statements and paid whatever I could afford
each month while for my most recent case I agreed to settle for a lump sum charge.
As for each case outcome, I think she tries hard to be just and fair. She believes it's always
better for the adults to be reasonable and negotiate a settlement that will reduce the negative impact of divorce on the family especially on the children who usually are the most vulnerable.
I know this is very difficult to swallow especially for men, but the impact on the children could
be far worse. Ms Bushman experience proves very valuable to help to protect the interest of
our children. I will definitely recommend her services for any family who truely cares about their children but finds divorce inevitable.
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11 Feb, 2013
I have had multiple cases with Ms. Bushman concerning my divorce and children. She has always been helpful, professional and more than patient with me about my payments. When I came in, I was really afraid that I would not be able to afford an attorney, but she let me set up a payment plan, and if something happened and I couldn't pay the whole monthly amount, she was perfectly willing to let me pay as much as I could afford that time. She is honest, practical, and fair.
You can tell that she is respected by both her peers, and the courts. She gets what she needs to do done, and does it in a direct and practical way. She is not one-sided, she always listens to what you have to say, but can see through the anger and pain and let you know what is really best. She is great with kids, and her experience has helped her to know what's best when it comes to co-parenting. She won't let your feelings towards the other parent get in the way of what is best for the children.
Her staff is wonderful. They really go above and beyond to make sure you are comfortable with what is going on, and that you don't feel left out of your own case. They care about you just as much as she does and are always willing to do what they can to keep you up to date and provide you with the information you need.
Overall, Ms. Bushman is the only lawyer I would ever trust my family to. She understands your financial situation and is always willing to do what she can to help get your family back where it needs to be.
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11 Feb, 2013
Ms. Bushman helped me with a custody case. A case was already open with the Attorney General for child support and had been open for four years with nothing done. Within three months, Ms. Bushman helped me get sole custody of my child with visitation the way I wanted it and child support established. What she did in three months the Attorney General could not do in four years. She knows her stuff, and she is very down-to-earth. She is also very flexible with payments. Her fees are much more reasonable than most other attorneys I contacted. I would definitely recommend her for any of your personal family problems.
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27 Jan, 2013
I hghly recommend Attorney Bushman. She represented me against my abusive spouse. Sh was tough. Atorney Bushman alowed me to make monthly payments.
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01 Feb, 2011
I've worked with quite a few attorneys in my life (family, probate, real-estate, divorce) and Ms. Bushman was by far the worst, the least helpful and professional of those I've used. Essentially, after I paid her retainer, she filed paperwork but otherwise left me on my own. Failed repeatedly to respond to my numerous pleas for advice and counsel during the settlement/negotiation period. Finally had to fire her; hire another lawyer. That set back my divorce for months, but was worth it. If I'd stayed with Bushman I would have lost many hundreds of thousands of dollars unjustly. I would strongly advise anyone going through a divorce to steer very far clear of Patricia Bushman. My experience with her was frustrating, angering, time-consuming, and could have been financially catastrophic.
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