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Paula hendricks
29 Aug, 2024
Robert hopper
16 May, 2023
You can drink and drive hear and kill a young woman and they wont even charge you. They are that incompetent at their job
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12 Jan, 2023
Rather than writing bad reviews against this ELECTED official, please file official complaints with the Texas State Bar AND the American Bar Association. Try to get this jackal disbarred. Write petitions demanding that he be removed from office. Make more noise than writing google reviews. People like this guy deserve to be in prison right next to the criminals they protect. Work toward THAT goal.
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Kitrina duvall
16 Dec, 2022
Do not rely on Grayson County for your protection. They signed my death warrant and they don't even care. All they care about is maintaining their image.
I am a domestic violence survivor who had the misfortune of working with the district attorney's office against my abuser. I had requested to speak with the prosecutor handling my case multiple times before my abuser was offered a plea agreement and requested to be present at the sentencing to read a statement to the judge. Requests that were said to have been conveyed. However a plea agreement was made and my abuser was released from jail 2.5 miles from where I live with no warning from them. The prosecutor told me that if he knew half of what I was telling him he would not have offered less than 10 years, that he was not made aware of any requests from me and that he did not get the evidence that I submitted when I filed the police report.
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Lindsay bounds
02 Oct, 2022
Unable to see past his own ego to do the job he was elected to do.
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Madison dorman
11 Sep, 2022
Failure on an unprecedented level to uphold the law and serve Justice for Katie Palmer and her family. Disappointing is an understatement.
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Savanah bradley
09 Sep, 2022
GET OUT BRETT SMITH!! Grayson County doesn't want you here, nor do we need you here!! How does it feel to be the most hated man in the county, and to be known for all the injustice you've served??!! You're nothing but a bully, a cheat, and a liar!! STEP DOWN!!! WE 👏 DONT 👏 WANT 👏 YOU 👏 HERE!!!
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Nicole benzow
08 Sep, 2022
#Justice for Katie Palmer
Complete cover up from responding police/ DA and the tragic vehicular homicide of Katie Palmer.
It’s a good ‘ol boys club down in Grayson.
Vote him out!!!
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Kimberly williams
07 Sep, 2022
The mishandling of the Katie Palmer case should have you out of office alone. I can't imagine what else has been covered up or ignored. I hope the community speaks and you and all your cohorts are ousted!!!!
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Grisly grapes
07 Sep, 2022
Brett Smith has failed Katie Palmer, her family, and his community. He has let his ego get in the way of his job.
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Stephanie cole
06 Sep, 2022
Since April of 2020 you, Brett Smith, have done nothing to give Katie’s family the peace they deserve. Since you have not only failed to do your job correctly, but also assisted in covering up Katie’s case, I demand that you step down from your position immediately. You are clearly not able to fight for what’s right and should not remain as the district attorney. Please do what is right and resign
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Olivia b
06 Sep, 2022
JUSTICE FOR KATIE PALMER! District Attorney Brett Smith has failed at his duties as evidenced in his disgusting, dishonest, and unprofessional handling of this case and in his treatment of the Palmer family. This is sickening and petrifying for any other human who has to interact with DA Brett Smith.
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