
Top review highlights

Caring and personalized service
“Tracy and her team are more like a family, today feeling like my world was crashing down, I was able to sit and talk about my right and left feeling so uplifted and strong..... when you walk in the door it's not like any other office. They care, they care about you, to me that's rare, they are human and everything is broken down so you're not leaving wondering what was said.”
Effective legal representation and advocacy
“The reason i say it's important to start with a good attorney is that once child support and spousal support have been determined, it's hard to go back in later and change the courts decision. Had i started out on the right step, I shou;d have got spousal support because she's the one that abandoned her children. I should have got back child support for one year as well. Once i got Justice and white into the picture, my case was settled in 6 months and i could see the difference in the way things were handled.”
Experienced and knowledgeable attorneys
“Tracey Justice has been my attorney for the past two years. She has seen me through a very painful divorce with compassion, accessiblility, speed and patience. i would recommend tracy for all your family law issues.”
Difficulty getting own story heard in court
“When we first went to court, my ex was allowed all the time on the stand she wanted and when i took the stand, i was being objected by her counsil and sustained by the judge for the most part. My attorney could not find a way for me to tell my story.”
High legal fees
“After 3 more hearings in one year and six thousand dollars later, there was no end in sight and afinally decided to fire my attorney after feeling like a hangman everytime i went to court.”
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