
Top review highlights

The law firm works hard and gets disability claims approved quickly, often within a year
“Myler/Trajectory worked hard and got my disability in less than a year.”
The law firm keeps clients well-informed and is responsive to their needs
“They were always there to help and did the best job to get it finished quickly as possible they kept me informed bi- weekly and always made sure I was ok and ask if I needed anything.”
The law firm has a successful track record of winning disability cases for clients
“They won my disability case for me!! The lawyer was outstanding and the firm is very understanding and their communication with me was awesome!”
The law firm has been known to mismanage cases, leading to delayed approvals or reduced back pay for clients
“It took me 10 years to finally make it to court for my disability. I was looking at the entire 10 years of retroactive pay. The attorney and judge let me walk away with onl”
The law firm's communication with clients can be poor, with slow response times and a lack of updates
“Big down side was call backs from my representative. Extremely slow most wa”
The law firm has been accused of being deceptive, with lawyers providing false information or not adequately representing clients
“The lawyer that showed up at my hearing had no clue of my medical condition and didn't even speak on my behalf. YOU have to constantly call and keep these clowns updated cause they rarely call you and then they send you a bill for supposedly collecting your medical bills...hahaha what a never speak to the same person twice.”
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