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4.6 118 reviews


star star star star star
27 May, 2022
Atty. German T. Flores is trying to get the full payment of his service where he did not do a great job at all. Me and my husband hired and paid him to process my K-1 visa. As per the contract, it is his responsibility to change the address and we should report it to him immediately. We have submitted my new address but still he was not able to change it. If he is a good and trustworthy lawyer then why he left us finishing his job instead? With my American-born husband’s perseverance we are able to contact USCIS and get my case number for my interview. Me and my husband were very stressed and really annoyed with him. He gave us burden and frustration. If he was able to process my petition correctly then probably the money we spent for my hotels and flight to other country were saved. The expenses on attending this K1 visa interview at other country were too expensive that is almost triple the amount he was chasing for excluding the mental health disturbance he caused to me and my husband. I think he supposed to compensate us rather than him chasing the full payment of his messed up work.
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Carmen berriel

star star star star star
17 May, 2022
I want to give a big thank you to German Flores all the work he has done for my mom she is now getting her green card. He is one of the best. People look no further choose German Flores
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Gustavo hernandez

star star star star star
05 May, 2022
Muchas gracias al abogado Germán Flores por ayudarme a resolver mi caso realmente complicado,gracias tambien a su equipo de trabajo han sido muy amables.yo lo recomiento
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Ariana gasca martinez

star star star star star
04 May, 2022
Estoy. Agradecida. Con el. Abogado german. flores. El cual. Me. Ayudo. Ampliamente. En mi caso. Con. Resultados. Muy. Favorables. Para. Mi persona Y. Estoy muy. Satisfecha. Por sus. Servicios. Como. Abogado. Total mente. Recomenda. Al 100% su trabajo es. Muy bueno y. Un muy. Buen servicio. Muchísimas gracias. Abogado. German flores
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Achiever udobor

star star star star star
12 Apr, 2022
He took my case seriously, it did not seem like my case was just another job to be done, I felt like he was truly interested in seeing it succeed! I will definitely recommend him to anyone with immigration issues.
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Alida morales

star star star star star
22 Mar, 2022
He is very good lawyer, I like him because he speaks directly with the clients. and gives you proof of all the papers. after a long legal battle we won the case. thank you German for representing me. God bless you
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Linda velasquez

star star star star star
28 Feb, 2022
Muchas gracias Doctor German Flores por todo lo qué Ud. ha hecho por mi. Su ayuda dió frutos y ahora soy egresada de Weber State University en contabilidad. Sin Ud. lo hubiera conseguido. Dios lo bendiga!!!🙏
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Esteban rojas

star star star star star
01 Feb, 2022
I want to thank Mr.Flores for his superb work on my case. Because of Mr. FLORES, MY FAMILY CAN BE TOGETHER IN THIS COUNTRY. MAY GOD BLESS HIM AND HIS FAMILY!
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Suleyma escobar

star star star star star
31 Jan, 2022
Excelente servicio, muy amable el abogado! Muy recomendado!!!!!
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Alex bushman

star star star star star
27 Jan, 2022
Said he represented more than 100 cases of dui and didn’t even know the alcohol limit when asked. Arrived in a sweat suit and when asked about my case he gave me no good feedback. Wasted my consultation of 100. He then began to judge me on my poor decision of drinking and not living by the word of god like a good Mormon should insateas of giving me professional help.
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Michael kerr

star star star star star
04 Dec, 2021
I'm so grateful I used this attorney. He spent the time necessary to speak with me before and after each time we went to court. He was there each time I had to appear and helped council me what to do as the months went on and also what to say in court. He was able to get 3 of my charges dropped and a got me a reduced jail sentence almost down to nothing (only 5 days when the prosecutor wanted much more than that). The judge also imposed a smaller fine and doing the things German was counseling me to do those months the judge gave me a credit of almost half the smaller imposed fine right away. Really helped me as I was looking at a long jail sentence and much more money in fines. And the judge didn't even put me on supervised probation. To not have those other 3 charges on my record is also a relief. He did great work for me on my case and I recommend him.
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Jesus cervantes daniel

star star star star star
02 Dec, 2021
100% recomendado buena atención y muy buen trabajo
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