Top review highlights
The attorneys are knowledgeable, professional, and effective in handling legal matters
“Zach Lindley is a qualified and competent attorney. He is quick to help his client with all needs a questions. He is ethical and always works hard to serve his clients.”
The staff is friendly, responsive, and provides excellent customer service
“The attorneys at Gallian Welker & Beckstrom, L.C. are excellent. I would recommend them to anyone.”
The firm delivers positive outcomes for their clients
“The outcome was better than I expected! I would recommend this Law Firm to everyone!”
Some attorneys at the firm have been accused of being unprofessional, unethical, and not prioritizing client needs
“He is two faced. He will act like he cares to your face then go behind your back and talk bad about you to opposing counsel. He is unprofessional and a liar.”
There have been instances of poor communication, lack of transparency, and failure to keep clients informed about the status of their cases
“We ended up being lied to, taken advantage of and completely misrepresented. We had to fight to be seen and heard, we had to fight for them to do what we hired them to do in a timely matter or even at all.”
Some clients have experienced delays, unsatisfactory results, and a sense of being neglected by the firm
“8 months and thousands of dollars spent with zero results. Our attorney, I won't mention his name but his initials are "D.H." just wanted to lead us down a never ending road with no end in sight.”