Overall rating
15 Oct, 2018
Scott Help me through a very rough patch in my life. I needed to work through a marriage fraught with trials and challenges. He did not encourage me to hurry and get a divorce, rather he encouraged me to do several things to save the marriage. I followed his advice and in the end he did help me with the divorce process, but by the time we did that, I was well prepared for the end. I knew that everything possible had been tried, and having tried many, many solutions gave me insight into the situation that I otherwise would never have known. My ex-wife was married to me but she was in love with someone else. Had we filed for divorce right away, I would have ended up in a much worse situation. Having waited until the more complete story came out put me in a great position to keep the children with full custody. I get to stay in the family home and the money I earned goes to support the family not to support someone who is untrustworthy. During the time I was trying to put things back together, I found out about secret banking accounts, real estate, and other possessions that were part of her life but not mine. Scott helped me understand why she pushed so hard for some things (mostly financial.) She pushed hard for all of the things we owned together to be put into a family trust which for some reason didn't include me. She said that because we were married in reality I was a member of the trust. She wanted access to my bank account, but refused to allow me to even go into her bank with her. When it came time for the financial statements to be filed, I had the information needed to confront her about the assets that she had and had not declared.
Due to the lack of her disclosure it was clear that she was not telling the truth and therefore had no credibility with the judge. The judge looked much more favorably at the arguments we presented even though the truth of my position was not always pretty, it was the truth. I had given Scott all of the ugly details of the marriage, so there were no surprises for him during negotiations or when we got to court.
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