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5.0 102 reviews

Bombo marley fanpage

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
Excellent service
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Yongsoo kim

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
항상 친절하게 대해 주시고 만족스런 결과를 얻어 감사합니다. 늘 건강하시고 번창하시길 바랍니다.
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Ahmed messaoudi

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
Very very professional lawyer and good men ! Highly recommended, keep up the good work mister Daniel ♥️
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Ben c

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
I want to say a lot of great things about Mr.Kim but I'll try to be very brief. Mr.Kim has been very pro active since he accepted my traffic case and it continued until the day of hearing in the court and we got the best outcome and I'm very happy about it. You rarely see an attorney with a lot of great qualities and he is definitely one of them who tries his best to make his clients life much easier by seeing that justice is done. I really appreciate all he did and highly recommend him to anyone needs help.
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star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
My mom got a ticket for a lane violation few month ago And she received "4"penalty points with her violation lane But he helps prevent the penalty points for mom Also she got rid of the bad records "0" And DMV record too He helps us in many ways Thank you sooo much~~^^
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star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
Attorney Kim is awesome. I was in a terrible accident and knew that I needed an attorney to help fight a reckless driving ticket. I didn't know any lawyers so I searched on Google and found this gem. In hindsight, I genuinely think calling Atty Kim was the best decision I made in 2018. What struck me about him was his professionalism and passion. He obviously enjoys and is phenomenal at what he does. I would highly recommend his services if you are in need of a great lawyer.
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Chulhwan jang

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
교통위반으로 변호사가 필요한 상태였는데. 김기희변호사님을 만나서 도움을 받고 일이 잘 해결되었습니다. 처음 겪는 일이라 어떻게 해야하는지 몰라 당황스러운 상태에서 변호사님을 만났습니다. 제가 위반한 교통법규에 대한 자세한 설명과 예상되는 결과에 대하여 알려주셔서 당황스러웠던 저로서는 마음이 놓였습니다. 법원출석일 전에 이메일로 진행상황을 알려주셨고, 담당경찰에게 미리 연락하여 저의 교통위반에 대한 정보들을 취합하여 제 변호를 미리미리 준비하여 주셨습니다. 법원출석일에도 저보다 일찍 오셔서 담당 경찰과 계속 협상을 하셨고 만족할만한 협상결과를 얻었습니다. 변호사님께 대단히 고마운 마음에 이렇게 글을 올리게 되었고 그러면 안되지만 혹시 교통위반으로 법원에 가야하는 일이 생긴다면 김기희변호사님을 추천합니다.
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Billy um

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
김기희 변호사님은 따뜻한 마음과 냉철한 판단력을 소유하고 있습니다. 저는 여러 사람으로부터 억울하게 고소를 당했습니다. 이 문제로 김 변호사님을 찾아갔을 때, 김 변호사님은 저의 사정을 이해하기 위해 노력했고, 저를 위로해 주기위해 노력을 기울였습니다. 그 분은 또한 제 문제를 해결해 주기 위해서 모든 노력을 기울였고, 이를 성공했습니다. 초기에 김 변호사님은 제가 밤 늦은 시간에 전화를 하더라고 늘 받아 주셨습니다. 제가 상담하느라 더 많은 시간을 사용했음에도 불구하고 변호사님은 처음에 작성한 계약서보다 더 많은 변호사 비를 청구하지 않았습니다. 저는 김 변호사님의 도움으로 3개의 형사법 사건에 대해서 예심에서 dismiss를 받았고, 법원 기록에 대한 말소를 승인받았습니다. Daniel Kim has warm heart and cold head. I experienced hardship by unfair report to law enforcement by several people. When I asked him regarding it, he tried to understand my situation and paid effort to comfort me. He tried all effort to resolve my problems and he made it. At early time, he had had response my every phone call even though I call him at late night. He didn't charge more than the attorney fee which I agreed on the hiring contract even though he spent more time answering my questions. I've got dismiss for my 3 criminal cases on the prelim and got granted expungement of record of it by his help.
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star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
This is a trusted lawyer. He is very professional and attentive. He will give you very satisfactory results. 교통티켓때문에 너무 고민이 많앗고 어떻게 해야할지 당황스러웟는데 김기희 변호사님이 너무 친절하게 상세하게 하나하나 가르쳐주셔서 많은걸 알게됏어요 너무 고맙고 감사드림니다 추천 함니다
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Mk kim (mk)

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
미국 최고의 교통 형사 전문 "김기희 변호사님"께 진심으로 감사를 드립니다. 정말 믿고 맡길수 있는 변호사님으로 생각됩니다. 많은 사건으로 인해 바쁘신데도 불구하고 이메일과 메세지로 바로 바로 상담해 주시고, 언제나 친절히 답변해 주셔서 감사드립니다. 무엇보다도 제 입장에서 고민해 줄 뿐만 아니라 모든 사건에 있어서 확실하게 해결해 주셔서 너무 감사의 말씀을 드립니다. 김기희 변호사님을 강력히 '추천' '추천' 합니다!!!
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Jeff caban

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
Mr. Kim is amazing at what he does. Professionalism, clarity and efficiency. Thank you again for your services Mr Kim.
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Matthew pelletier

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2024
I was going to start this review off with a bit of a background story, but if you’re looking for the punch line it’s that Kim is an amazing lawyer and an honest man. As a recent college graduate with fairly limited economic means I was lucky to have him as representation. If you actually get a chance to learn how he got into the business of law you’ll quickly piece together that he does not have to do this for a living… In fact his previous profession could have allowed him to retire quite comfortably a long time ago. After learning that it became very obvious to me that Kim was not practicing law for the money, he was in it for the sake of the game itself (he enjoys the problem solving the work presents him). If you could ask me what I would want in a lawyer, employee, advisor, etc. it would be that quality for obvious reasons. But, anyway on to the story. Not too long ago I got into a bit of a legal adventure involving a multi car pile-up that ultimately resulted in a ticket citation of “following too closely.” I had recently downloaded an app called “Off The Record” to deal with a speeding ticket I got a few months prior and decided to use it again for this incident. Kim was the lawyer paired to me and quickly made contact. He explained that this was a bit of an interesting incident because the ticket technically involved an accident, but said he would take the case anyway. The case became more interesting when the women that I rear ended decided she was going to claim injury. This was horrifying to me as I was brand new to being an adult and had never had to deal with any sort of real legal situation. Kim seemed to know I was very lost with just about everything going on and skillfully navigated me through the legal waters I was faced with. He handled everything and explained the evolving situation extremely well to the anxiety ridden 20 something that was me. Ultimately he was able to get the entire case dismissed. No ticket, no fine, no points, nothing. That news was one of the biggest sighs of relief I think I’ve ever felt in my life. I’ll finish by saying that I can honestly tell you if I ever have any legal needs again I’ll be coming back to Kim. He’s an extremely smart, humble, and caring guy with an amazing work ethic (he actually called me at almost 10PM once while reviewing my case).
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