
Top review highlights

Highly knowledgeable and experienced lawyer who fights hard for the best possible outcome for clients
“James is very knowledgeable and everything he said upfront in our initial consultation came true in the end. He really fought hard and put a great deal of work into making sure I was taken care of and treated fairly.”
Affordable and transparent pricing that does not break the bank
“James made everything worth it and doesn't break your bank like most lawyers do. Very straight forward and honest man 10/10 would recommend!!”
Excellent communication and keeps clients well-informed throughout the process
“He was been very helpful with everything and very professional. He's very knowledgeable and fights you for the best he humanly can.”
Provides compassionate and personalized service, going above and beyond for clients
“It was a total pleasure working with Jim to get my gun rights restored. He goes above and beyond for his clients.”
Potential issues with confidentiality and client privacy, as one reviewer mentioned the lawyer shared private trust information without consultation
“Ms. Byerly, without consulting us, decided to send a copy of the private trust to all the beneficiaries. She has caused us tremendous trouble with the beneficiaries, and executing the trust.”
One negative review suggests the lawyer may not be the best fit for all clients and situations
“I would never recommend Victoria Byerly for any legal services. We went to her with a complicated estate we were taking over, with difficult beneficiaries.”
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