Overall rating
18 Oct, 2016
When corrupt Walworth Deputies wanted to beat me up and charge me criminally for Disorderly Conduct and Resisting an Officer, Attorney Flitcroft was ready for a fight! He dotted his i’s and crossed his t’s then went back to make sure it was done to his liking. In other words, when other attorneys wanted me to “plead out” like a coward, I would not, and Attorney Flitcroft made sure the truth would be heard in court. He subpoenaed all five deputies involved, a courthouse worker, a witness and even the Clerk of Court Sheila Reiff. He got all the video footage I acquired into evidence and even filed a motion to dismiss before the trial in an attempt to create a pre-trial deposition of witnesses (unfortunately the judge saw right through this strategy and stayed the motion until trial). But this shows you anecdotal evidence of this experienced attorney’s “outside the box” thinking when preparing a criminal defense. He ground away at District Attorney Matthew Leusink (the guy who looks like he’s afraid of his own shadow) and in a legal game of chicken the criminal charges were dismissed at the prosecutor’s motion. He opted to charge me with civil ordinance violations instead, but at least I am 100% guaranteed not to do any jail time. If it had not been for the experience and relentlessness of Attorney Flitcroft giving the prosecutor no respite, the outcome may have been different. If you are charged in Walworth, know that most attorneys are afraid of a trial in Walworth, they would rather plead out. So if you want aggressive defense, give Attorney Flitcroft a call, his initial consultation is free and after talking to him yourself you’d probably want to retain him.
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16 Apr, 2015
I was in criminal trouble when the cops entered my house with no warrant and used lame excuses to justify it. Anthony told me not to worry and he got the case dismissed with some motion. We argued in front of the judge and he agreed with Anthony. He did an awesome job and I highly reccomend his services.
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