Top review highlights
Excellent communication and counsel during a complex divorce case
“At every point she communicated well, listened clearly to what I wanted and gave excellent counsel.”
Knowledgeable and helpful in guiding the client through legal processes
“Ms. Brandau was very knowledgeable and helped me to understand all the legal aspects of the case.”
Sincere and dedicated to the client's needs
“She was truly sincere in all areas in regards to my mother's disease of Dementia and discussion to the court and the importance to obtain Guardianship.”
Provides strategic and realistic advice, going beyond just legal knowledge
“Ann is a counselor who brings more than a knowledge of the law to the table. Ann knows law and courts and jurists and how it comes together. She brings the counsel born of common sense. She always points me to the big picture and the realistic.”
Honest and straightforward in her approach
“Very honest and very straight. She has my greatest respect as a professional and individual.”
Failed to perform the service the client hired her for
“Not only did she not do what I hired her to do, her response was 'sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day!'”
Client had to pay the opposing party's attorney fees due to the lawyer's performance
“Best advise. Do not hire.”