Overall rating
Darlene grubbs
08 Jan, 2020
Mr Burdick represented me in a divorce in 2018. He was compassionate, prepared, and provided excellent representation. I would highly recommend him. I would hire him again should another issue arise.
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Genius rock t.moore
05 Mar, 2019
Mr Burdick was very good to me from my initial contact w/him,through the end of my ordeal.Initially, I had him on the phone for quite some time, after he answered an email promptly. He always responded promptly in emails or on the phone.He is very professional, very knowledgeable and very compassionate hopefully I don't ever need to use him again, but I would recommend him to anyone in need of a good attorney thank you Mr Burdick.God bless you and yours...3/4/2019,Tony
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Tony butler
23 Jul, 2018
Mr. Burdick represented our company in a frivolous lawsuit in which the judge dismissed with prejudice (meaning the individual could not bring further suit against our company.) Although we waited until the last minute to contract an attorney, Mr. Burdick reviewed our documentation and represented us well in court.
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Kevin serra
10 May, 2018
good guy at first- but Does not return emails timely, refuses to keep cyou in the loop. Excessive billing. bills too long for simple emails or letters Not effective. Horrible communicator. Does not listen. I would never hire him again.
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Jason shafer
06 Mar, 2018
Seems to be a good guy and very attentive
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Steven kneussle
15 Jun, 2017
Mr. Burdick is one of few attorneys who have stood up to advocate for equality in family court. He is a true Constitutional attorney who will fight for your case all the way up to the Supreme Court. He is only one of two attorneys in the entire State whom I would recommend. The rest are sleeze balls.
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Traci watkins
06 Feb, 2017
To Mr. Burdick: Our family would like to thank you for being compassionate, caring and always available for us on our recent custody case. It meant a lot to us when you said “I’ll pray for you”. When faced with evil situations, including judges with blinders on and other attorneys that are clueless to the situation, we take great comfort in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
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William m
26 Feb, 2016
A lawyer who cannot accept that all human beings are equal regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation should not be allowed to practice law.
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