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5.0 1 reviews

Woody bowling

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07 Feb, 2018
In my 40+ years in business, unions and government, I have worked with some of the greatest and worst lawyer around the globe. Surprisingly, the best lawyer is not always the most successful by appearance. I am not a lawyer, but I am a litigator and advocate having appeared in everything from small claims court to US District Court and the NLRB, DOT and numerous arbitrations...over 600 cases. I say this not in boast but with humility for one of the most misunderstood professions, especially in America. And I am not going to go into the various sects and sub-sect of law. Nathan P Johnson, is what I call a "good ole boy" lawyer. A humble man with family, friends, a farm and who lives by a code in a small community you would never know of, called Ford City. He talks slow but with determination, sometimes polite, other times with force, He listens more than he talks. For many astute people, you would mistake him for a nobody and for sure it permits many to underestimate his ability. But, Nathan is what I would compare to a Matlock, as played in the older series starring Andy Griffith. He is sharp, catches on quick, knows what to ask because he knows that no one knows their case or business better than his client. At the same time, he is tuned in and knows where to grasp the reality and let go of the glitter. Above all the is honest with you his client, whether you want to hear it or not. Great lawyers requires a combination of high intelligence, strong analytical and advocacy skills, and an ability to communicate effectively. Is he a great lawyer? I say yes he is a great lawyer. I hired him on a difficult case three years ago, beginning in state circuit court ending up in Federal District Court. When it finally came close to trial, the settlement we negotiated days before court, was exactly what I had shot for. We knew that our case had holes in it which would rise upon cross in court. But we knew too that we had purposely laid a setting which the defendant thought was rock solid. The spin worked and we won almost 20 times the actual hard damages. I highly recommend Nathan Johnson of Colbert County Alabama on business and criminal cases alike because I have seen him in action at the other end as well...but move than anything he is someone you will enjoy working with.
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