06 Nov, 2019
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01 Mar, 2018
Chenyan was quick to jump into our Immigration case with USCIS ensuring we had the necessary documentation, information, and understood the process. Her firm even has informative guides that were great in explaining what we needed to submit, and potential questions we may have to answer with USCIS. Chenyan furthermore kept track of our progress with USCIS; even contacting them when timelines were not being met by the various offices we had to deal with. As well, my wife does not speak English very well, so Chenyan's knowledge of Chinese culture and language was a benefit to me so that I could properly understand my wife's concerns, and that assurance they were being properly handled by Chenyan herself. All-in-all, Chenyan was excellent in her service to my wife and I, and I do not think we would have been successful in obtaining a Green Card for my wife if Chenyan had not come on board and assist us! Thank you.
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28 Feb, 2018
我是2016年四月份来到的美国,一次在朋友聚会上认识了我现在的老公,我们一见钟情,为免受两地相思之苦,我们决定就在美国本土结婚,婚后就我的身份转换问题,聘请了Chenyan Zhang 律师帮助我们做绿卡申请,Chenyan Zhang 律师在整个申请过程中表现出的优秀,专业,诚信以及温暖,让我们夫妻俩庆幸这是一次明智的选择!!她良好的职业素养让我们在漫长的申请过程当中,觉得有她的帮助心里很踏实,事实证明,我们真的是对的,就在2017年的圣诞前夕,我们收到了移民局大大的祝福,我的绿卡寄到了我的家,当老公宣读了移民局的来信和展示了寄来的绿卡,我们一家人喜极而泣,太艰难了,在现在这个反移民的大环境下,我们这么快拿到绿卡,真的是不敢想象,我们已经做好了打持久战的准备,但是,上帝派来了Chenyan 律师,她思路清晰,见解独到,专业睿智,积极正向,急人所急。。。。。。我们真的是由衷的为这样一个卓越的律师点赞!!!
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28 Feb, 2018
Chenyan Zhang acts as my company's General Counsel on legal matters and risk management of business matters. In that role she has supported my business in areas from contracts, negotiations, transactions, due diligence, and even human resources.
My experience of her is that she is very thoughtful and very thorough in all of the work she performs for me, easy to talk to, and very organized. She takes the time to explain and re-explain things so that I am clear on all of the considerations I need to make a well-informed decision, then she outlines what needs to be done, and then both her and her team gets everything done super fast.
This is definitely one attorney that is on top of it! I have and will continue to refer people to her.
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