Overall rating
Binyam tsehaye
17 Nov, 2015
Bronwyn vourtis
25 Feb, 2015
Got the job done
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Martha concepcion
10 Feb, 2015
Estoy muy desencantada con los servicios de ustedes porque mi prometido solicito los servicios de ustedes y para mi no son muy buenos lo mio debio salir hace un tiempo y todavia no ha salido
no se que han pensado ustedes pero si me dice que le den recomendaciones de ustedes ni loca se lo daria, deberia tener mejor comincacion con sus cliente
yo he tenido que llamar para hacer casi todas mis averiguaciones , yo espero que con otro clientes tengan mejor comportamiento , mi caso debio durar aproximadamente 6 meses y ya tengo 8 meses y todavia no se a resuerldo yo espero que por lo menos se resuelva
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Jennifer larson
21 Aug, 2012
Starting from my initial consultation with Mr. Lolly, my mind was put at ease. I felt that our case would be handled well by his practice. Once we had all of the necessary information to file our proceedings were quick and painless. I received my green card stamp with in 3 months after we sent our papers in. His staff are all very knowledgeable and more than happy to answer any questions. We will definitely refer any friends or family that need his assistance in the future.
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17 Apr, 2009
I was scammed in a real estate deal. I wasn't sure who I could trust, the Korean community is so small but my English is not great especially with contracts and legal stuff. I found Ted Shin through a Korean phone book and was not sure about him when I called to make the appointment. But during the first consultation, I was completely relieved. He helped me and I will use him again.
He is calm, reliable, he is young but very good. I can trust him to handle my problems.
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30 Mar, 2009
I had a car accident and did not know where to turn. The person that hit me said it wasn't their fault but they rear ended me on the freeway and the police said they were on their cell phone and clearly should have stopped. I was referred to Mr. Shin by a friend who he represented in a contract dispute. I wasn't sure because he has only been a lawyer for a year and maybe he was one of those scammer Korean lawyers but my reservations were totally relieved once I came in for the consult. He was very professional and had a really friendly staff. His Ivy league education shows in his language and how quickly he resolved my case. I strongly recommend Mr. Shin.
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