01 Nov, 2018
Failed to inform me of a court hearing; made an error in presenting evidnce that resulted in the judge throwing out all my evidence in the middle of a hearing; the day before court she completely changed tactics and tried to coach me to say the opposite information in court about what we had been discussing for months based on what actually happened; treated me in rude and defensive manner in the middle of a hearing that wasn't going well due to her evidence error and failing tactic; ate up time during the hearing taking multiple personal calls which caused the case to go into an extra day; automatically believed things opposing counsel tried to accuse me of that were false without even hearing me out first and berated me before asking what actually happened; Monterey is known for its clique-ish legal community and she was oviously concerned more about relationships with opposing counsel and judge than about me during my case
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20 Jan, 2011
Gail fights for what is right, and she is always clear about the process and the outcomes. She helped me to understand what my rights were, and kept the proceedings out of court as much as she could to keep things amicable and more affordable.
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