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4.9 857 reviews

Patricia harding

star star star star star
06 Sep, 2019
I was very impressed with this firm when I first went to a presentation of estate planning by Mr. John Preston and his associates. I thought it was going to be pitch to get mine and everyone attending business. It was VERY INFORMATIVE. Very detailed with topics that were of interest when planning your estate. I am retired from the legal field for 30 years as a legal secretary in various types of law. It brought to mind how many incidents could happen with your estate if you don't address a situation in your estate planning. This firm is detail oriented in estate planning with every individual in mind of their life and situation and what might happen when they die if certain areas of law are not covered in their estate planning. I am very satisfied with the Preston Estate Planning.
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Angela didio

star star star star star
06 Sep, 2019
As always JR is thorough - efficient and patient. He went line by line to make sure I understood all the items on my mother's trust so we knew what was expected - even when my mother's trust attorney didn't take the time to do the same. Having experienced Preston's way of doing things for my personal trust I was relieved when he was willing to help me with a family trust for my mother that wasn't as thoughtfully prepared. So glad I have the "A" team.
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Diana maya

star star star star star
17 Jul, 2019
Very helpful and understanding Mr Christopher Villasenor on his staff was a pleasure working with them they did their best to help me and every witch way they could I highly recommend them
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Carole gates

star star star star star
10 Jul, 2019
I feel lucky to have been working with Preston Estate Planning these past many years. From preparing our own estate plan to dealing with a family death and their estate and trust the Preston "family" has been helpful across the board. Over the years we've worked with John Preston, Don Zoller and MJ Preston along with their support staff and have found every one of them to be supportive. They have been there through good times and bad and assisted us by outlining necessary tasks, helping us to save money and bringing up all the points that pertain to our situation. We never feel we are asking unimportant questions nor do we ever feel rushed when talking with one of them - quite a nice change to today's routines. Through the years it's been very helpful to attend their workshops. Always good information and even when some topics might be a repeat we find something new to be learned.
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Judy crockett

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2019
We are always welcomed at the meeting, and any questions we might have, are answered for us. We enjoy the camaraderie of the attendees and staff, and are thankful for the information we receive. Thank you. The Crocketts
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Atwood lynn

star star star star star
08 Jul, 2019
Always an educational experience, we learn things not otherwise presented to us. Hopeful that future interaction will be enhanced by knowing in advance that Q/A is part of the protocol so we can be better prepared with questions.
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John vannie

star star star star star
07 Jul, 2019
Most of the questions and answers were relevant to my own interests. The audio issues should have been tested and resolved ahead of the start time.
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Paul rostek

star star star star star
06 Jul, 2019
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Barbette lowndes

star star star star star
06 Jul, 2019
Experts who are always looking out for the best interests of their clients. We had a trust with a different lawyer. It sat gathering dust for nearly 20 years. Only after we requested transferring the trust to Preston Estate Planning did the now retired lawyer recommend updating the trust. Thanks to Preston Estate Planning for the meetings, letters, and open Q & A sessions to keep us up to date on changes to the laws concerning our personal affairs while we are still alive and after we are both deceased. You have opened our eyes to many topics we hadn't thought to discuss together or with our heirs. We feel confident our trust is in good hands and our daughters will be able to execute the will and trust as we intended under the guidance of Preston Estate Planning.
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Garry butterfield

star star star star star
06 Jul, 2019
Upon the death of my spouse, Preston immediately helped me to make the necessary changes to my trust documents, select a replacement trustee and provide the necessary notifications to my bank and other financial parties. Made a stressful situation considerably less stressful.
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Carol baumann

star star star star star
05 Jul, 2019
We had a great experience at the recent discussion group. A lot of questions were answered as to the first step of settling an estate on the death of one of the Trust Makers. April 30, 2021, Many of the questions pertained to us. Especially the question on timeshare scams. Thank you for another good session.
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Patricia fogg

star star star star star
05 Jul, 2019
We had questions which were answered at this event. It was an informative yet fun event to attend.
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