11 Jan, 2013
Alex Park was unprofessional, rude, and dishonest. When my husband had questions about his immigration case, Alex always responded in a demeaning, cutting way, which we later realized was due to the fact that he did not know or do anything about his case. I thought it was strange that a lawyer would literally yell (I could hear him) at a paying client. Not only that, but his wife, his secretary, would also yell at my husband for calling to speak to Alex. Alex would call once in a while to let my husband know about "new developments" in the case. These usually consisted of something that had to do with something bad about to happen but if we paid him, it would all be resolved. For example, once he called and said that the courts were going the review my husband's file soon, but if we gave him $15,000 then he could put a team together for us.
Suspicious, we asked him for a detailed summary of what our money was paying him for - this is something professional lawyers document. His detailed summary had a couple lines - attorney fee, processing fee. This was a red flag! There was no physical evidence that he was doing ANYTHING for my husband's case. In the end, we got a new attorney who was courteous, professional, and helped us fight our case in court in a matter of months as opposed the several years my husband worked with Alex Park. DO NOT HIRE HIM!
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