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1.0 3 reviews


star star star star star
10 Feb, 2019
I was recommemended to her by a friend who worked in her building. She was never available and never returned my phone calls. My paper work was never filed. It took me 8 years to get divorced! Sandra Etue is the worst lawyer ever!
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star star star star star
15 Aug, 2015
She has no ethics what soever! when interviewing my children, 2 who at the time were adults came out in tears, this laddie is on a mission of her own and could care less as to what is in the best interest of the minor children. Sandra was absent from my case for more then 2 years, she would not return email, phone calls and when showing up to her office unannounced she refused to see me! do all you can to avoid ever having to deal with this Lawyer.
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star star star star star
13 Nov, 2014
No accountability what so ever. Bias lawyer who does not have child best interest at heart. Lies in court. When confronted, she is quick to hide under the Family code 3151 (b) to avoid having to be sworn in to confirm information presented is true and correct. She waits until last minute to send parties copies of her report, statement and contentions when order specifically states she is to get a copy out to parties no later than 10 days prior to hearing. She is very good with blind siding parents and using her MC powers to her advantage in family court. She is excellent advocate for domestic violence offenders. When she can not make TRO hearing, she lies and says she was not given prior notice. Case has escalated to DCFS as a result of her not having child's best interest and punished reporting party by taking away custody without ever visiting infant/toddler child and family. She is very bias. She takes sides. Private attorney. No one to complain to. Beware of this one. If you are a parent and she is assigned her as an attorney, QUICKLY ask for another. OBJECT!!!
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