19 Apr, 2024
Justin Peterson has the mind set of a prosecutor. He was wonderful until he received the retainer. Then he immediately cut off communication with me. When he finally responded he was no longer the kind, caring Defense Attorney i had hired. He had agreed to take my evidence to the DA to try to have my charges dropped. But that never happened. After depositing my funds he told me, “thats not the way it’s done”. You are guilty of the crime. The only thing left to do is decide what the punishment will be”. You are going to wait until the DA contacts me with an offer of Diversion. That will be your offer. “You can take it or go to trial and be found guilty, get a worse deal”. It was a shocking wake up call and i let him go, requesting a refund. I fired him on the phone and followed up with an email confirmation that he was terminated. He then changed the time on my next hearing date from 1:30 to 9:00, went to Court and asked the Judge to grant me a Mental Health Diversion telling the Judge that i had Dementia.this was after i terminated him. I went to Court at 1:30 not knowing what he did. The Judge said to me, “your case was heard this morning at 9:00. Your Attorney was granted a Mental Health Diversion for your case”. I tried to explain that he was terminated, was not legally representing me. But the Judge Patric Pekin cut me off, coldly repeating, “your case was heard at 9:00 this morning. I did not accept the Mental Health diversion as i am not mentally ill. But that action by Justin Peterson turned the Court against me and i have been persecuted by Judge Victoria Shanihan and Judge Patric Pekin for going on four years now. They have caused me irreparable harm, are intent on labeling me Mentally Ill though i am not and have provided ample proof that i am not. Justin Peterson acted unlawfully and i have opened a case against him with the State Bar. I’m also going to try to file a fraud case against him and any other tort i can in Civil Court. His reputation among locals is that of being untrustworthy and selling out his clients.
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