Overall rating
Helen park
17 Sep, 2019
i have recived lots of help from Sang Lee. They really take care about my case and so friendly having meeting all the time :-) I strongly recommend this company !
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Gu kong
17 Sep, 2019
Brett Myers is not only professional but also very friendly person. I am very happy with outcome.
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Selhee ahn
17 Sep, 2019
My family and I have used Lee Myers and O’Connell for the past year regarding a car accident case. Lawyer Lee and Diane were extremely helpful, making sure we were always informed of all the steps that were being taken. They provide excellent communication and they truly go above and beyond to make their clients happy. I highly recommend this law firm!
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Jun lee
17 Sep, 2019
몇년전 집사람이 차사고가나서
처음으로 의뢰해서 만났던 이상훈 변호사님
그때 친절하게 피해자의 입장에서
사고처리부터 합의까지 세심하게 모든 과정을
공유해주시고 잘 처리해주신 기억이 있어
작년 가을에 있었던 저의 사고역시
변호사님에게 의뢰했는데 역시 믿음직스럽고
만족할만 결과를 도출해주셔서 정말 감사드립니다
또한 변호사님을 도와 일처리를 해주셨던 사무장님에게도 감사의 마음을 전합니다
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Kyung ko
17 Sep, 2019
Attorney Lee and stacey worked hard on my case and got me a settlement that was unbelievable
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Martin vu
17 Sep, 2019
I was involved in a terrible accident that was extremely complex involving multiple claims. I found the Law Office of Lee Myers and O’Connell and asked for their help. I met with Brett and his associates and they advised me every step of the way until the end and beyond that. Brett is an extremely professional, knowledgeable and skilled as a lawyer.
Being in a big accident is scary thing and a lot of the times you don’t know what to do or what steps to take and in these moments you need one thing from a lawyer and that’s a lawyer that cares. This law office and Brett did exactly that. This is a law office you can trust and I truly believe they are great lawyers.
I am so lucky to have met Brett and I highly recommend Brett and his entire team at Lee Myers and O’Connell.
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Seung yoon
17 Sep, 2019
Mr. Lee and Stacey were great. They took care of my case and addressed all concerns! It's nice to know there are good people that truly care.
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Baterdene burmaa
17 Sep, 2019
My family are client of attorney mr Lee. We are extremely happy and lucky with the service, we got from attorney mr Lee. He was start rightaway quick to respond and easy to communicate whit it. He and his team were perfect, very nice, fast, hardworking, professional and comfortable understanding. We are really really highly recommend it Lee, Myers & O'Connel LLP. Especially thanks for Mr Lee from our family.
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Seung song
17 Sep, 2019
매우 친철하고 믿을수있고 고객의 관점에서 최선을 다합니다.
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Jc kim
17 Sep, 2019
I am Korean and I am quite new in US. They addressed me kind, professional, They know what I want, I am very satisfied with their service.
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Claudia sanchez
17 Sep, 2019
Súper amable todo el personal. Flor, Liz. y el abogado te atiende personalmente, hablan español. Me consiguieron una muy buena compensación.Los recomiendo ampliamente.
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Soeun choi
17 Sep, 2019
뺑소니 사고를 당해 찾아뵙게 된 Mr. Myers 변호사님은
제가 만나본 최고의 변호사셨습니다. 모든 일을 빠르고 정확하게 진행해주셨고 회사의 모든 스텝분들이 아주 친절하게 도와주셨습니다. 일을 맡기고 나서 저는 온전히 치료에만 집중할 수 있었고, 보험사와의 모든 소통을 맡아서 해주신덕분에 저는 신경쓸일이 없어 치료의 경과도 좋았습니다.
다시한번 변호사님과 모든 스텝분께 감사드립니다.
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