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5.0 431 reviews

Min kyung

star star star star star
20 May, 2020
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Kyunhak jang

star star star star star
20 May, 2020
매우 친절하시고 빠른 대처로인해 고객의 마음을 편안하게 해주더군요 항상 고객의 입장에서 먼저 생각해주시는 직원들의 마음에 감동을 받았습니다 특히 담강하신 다이엔 리분께 깊은 감사를 드림니다 앞으로도 하시는일 번창하시길 바라며 항상 고객의 입장에서 일하시는모습 변치않으시길 바랍니다
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Eng dd

star star star star star
15 May, 2020
교통사고를 처음 당해봤습니다. 영어가 부족해서 어찌할바를 몰라하다 지인의 소개로 이상훈 변호사님을 소개받았습니다. 오래걸리고 힘들꺼라는 주위분들의 걱정과 우려와는 달리 빠른일처리와 생각이상의 결과에 너무 놀랐습니다. 꼼꼼하고 세심하게 짧은시간안에 좋은결과 이끌어주시고 애써주신 이상훈 변호사님과 수미매니저님께 다시한번 감사드립니다. 적극 추천추천! 추천 합니다.감사합니다. ㄱ
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Isaac lim

star star star star star
15 May, 2020
I had 4 car accidents in last 4years which are all not my fault. Brett took care of me from the begging to the end. He truly care about his client. Very professional job done! Highly recommend this law firm.
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Kimberlyann stevenson

star star star star star
15 May, 2020
Any questions I had the always answered me in a timely manner. Helping me throughout the whole process. They were terrific and kind. The process took longer than I thought but I still very pleased. I’ll be definitely coming back to them if I have another accident again.
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Jun son

star star star star star
14 May, 2020
이상훈변호사와김수미씨께서많이도와주셔서 큰 도움 받았습니다. 적극추천 합니다
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Emma avila

star star star star star
13 May, 2020
Anna Burr Helped me with my car accident case or over a year she is really nice attentive and helpful would definitely recommend.
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Cindy lee

star star star star star
06 May, 2020
아주 작은 사고가 났습니다 . 그런데 허리가 조금씩 아프기 시작하여 사고 난후 2-3개월이 지난 후 이상훈 변호사님을 만났습니다.병원비와 사고후 통증에 관한 보상까지 변호사님이 모든것을 완벽하게 처리해 주셨습니다.완전 대박이었습니다.정말 모든일을 완벽하게 처리해주셨습니다.너무너무 대 만족이었습니다.
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Zulema cerrillo

star star star star star
25 Feb, 2020
Fué un verdadero placer haber contado con una oficina de Abogados tan profesional para mi caso de accidente. Un excelente trato, muy amables y siempre al pendiente de todo mi tratamiento. No dudo en recomendarlos ampliamente. Gracias Lee, Myers & O'Connell. Gracias Lizbeth y a Flor muy amables siempre.
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Reina mirae sign

star star star star star
25 Feb, 2020
My wife had an accident and we visited his office to get some help. He helped us throughout the whole process and got her all the treatments she needed and of course, got the settlement as well! I’d definitely visit him again next time if we need!
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Miriam quintana

star star star star star
21 Feb, 2020
Great team, highly recommended! Every person I ever interacted with from the front desk to the partners of the firm are incredibly efficient and knowledgeable. They strive to make sure you are taken care of as their client. Always super helpful and willing to explain all matters of your case. They work hard to make sure your case gets the best outcome. Don't think twice, hire them!
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Corey peterson

star star star star star
20 Feb, 2020
Anna Burr is a sweet soul and an amazing person to have in mind for any personal injury cases. My wife, kids and I got in a pretty bad car accident amd thus far we are very confident and happy that we found Anna and her law office. Our world needs more Anna Burrs.
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