24 Apr, 2015
I really can't emphasize enough my appreciation for my recent experience working as a client with Brad Peterson representing me. He assisted me in a very challenging time with litigation relating to my professional services business.
Brad is rock solid. He is thoughtful; when he considers a course of action, he will have thoughtfully viewed matters from a perspective of someone looking in from the outside. He will not tell you just what you want to hear, but vastly more helpfully, he will offer insight and concrete direction and a suggested course of action. You should listen and soon enough, I think you will learn that his counsel and recommendations are wise, and restrained and invaluable.
At the same time, Brad and his firm are absolutely there to take matters to the mat if the other side is unwilling to be reasonable.
I am accustomed to the costs of lawyers and his talent is not inexpensive. But the billings I received were absolutely fair to me. I found them completely reasonable.
I think anyone who selects Brad to help them (and whom he agrees to help), will never look back and will soon enough realize how fortunate they were to secure his representation. I remain so grateful for his consummate professionalism and effective representation.
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