30 Apr, 2019
I needed a lawyer to help me in my custody and visitation order. David was hired and we gave him over $5,000.00. We hired him In early September of 2018. I started working a lot and we thought he was handling the case, but he had so many excuses and to why everything was not done, like he had to take care of his sick mother, his computer crashed, he was at a class in Albuquerque and was only available for a certain amount of time, but he also did reassure me not to worry as he was calling the other attorney, waiting for an answer, whenever we questioned him, he said he was waiting for the other attorney, so seven months later NOTHING was done, my mother came to visit and she had a conference with Dave and he gave her another excuse as to why nothing had been filed. So with my mom pressuring him, he had the petition for allocation of parental rights sent to me after he filled it out to make any corrections and to print it up and have it notarized. My mom was the one who received the petition and was appalled at how many spelling errors were on that form. She corrected them and printed them and I gave them back to David in March and was told he served it. We had asked for proof of service and said he is using an new server company and he will check again to see if it was served. After this happened, my mom googled Dave and found out that he was suspended in 2007 for not putting funds in his trust account, I also saw the post on this website stating the excuses and misspellings and the review was in 2013. When I read it, it was the same stuff he was doing with my case. So I confronted him and he tried to explain his way out of why they left a bad review and it wasn't his fault, but I told him that it didn't matter what the case was about, it mattered that he was still doing the same things, in the other review, he told a story that he got hit with a golf ball and had many excuses as to why nothing was getting done. The thing he wasn't understanding that he was still making excuses and I had lost my faith in him and told him I didn't want to use him anymore and that I want all of my money back and I want it certified check. I was lucky because I got all of it, except what he actually did file. I wish I knew about this before I hired him, but I am really hoping nobody hires him and wastes all their money.
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11 Feb, 2013
In our matter, he was retained to open a case - and he never got around to it, claiming he needed to research venue. We retained him as he claimed to be highly experienced in litigation, and claimed to have litigated matters surrounding horses before (our issue). However, he couldn't figure out how to file a proper pleading and a judge who knew him from Breckenridge even issued orders when we terminated Mr. Tyler noting something like "This is a good of place as any to note that Mr. Tyler made it a continued practice of constant missed and late filings, and with little respect or understanding of the rules". Ultimately, he ended up costing us almost everything in a case that, with a responsible attorney, would have been resolved almost 2 years ago. He didn't even know to request a show-cause hearing, and he constantly claimed that he was going to have a motion for summary judgement prepared "tomorrow" or "next week" - for over five months on end. Ultimately, he never filed it, right up to the deadline. The draft he showed us was only two pages, horribly mispelled, not even 1% complete, and didn't even have any of the facts of the case right - he was misidentifying witnesses, etc.
Also, he never billed us - ever. EVER. He would out of the blue call and claim he needed another check to "keep the lights on" without ever billing out in the entire 8 month period we retained him. Hint: It's another rule violation. Colorado should have disbarred him a long time ago, he is a train wreck on the legal system and a lot of innocent people are getting hurt.
Even while paying him we had to carry our own case. He never would call any witnesses, so we had to call them and put together affidavits. He never would draft any motions, he never would do anything requested at all - not once.
If you make the mistake of retaining Mr. Tyler, chances are he will wreck hell in your life worse than the subject to which you are trying to retain him for. Even his former associates and attorneys, judges that know him well know he's irresponsible with no respect or understanding of the court rules and have no problem saying so "on the record".
Mr. Tyler even at one point tried to impress us by claiming he was researching a "new theory of law" Declaratory Judgement. I knew what it was and it had no application in our case but he was throwing out buzzwords thinking it would impress us. When in reality, he can't even research a simple thing such as venue which - in all of about, 5 minutes - anyone in the State of Colorado can pull up Mitchie - CRCP and find the exact rules of venue; there is no fuzzy lines all the authorities are even there. What we researched in five minutes he couldn't take the time to do in five months.
Ultimately, towards the end, he claimed he got hit in the head with a golf ball and suffered a concussion and it was a life changing event and he wasn't thinking very clearly so it was hard to get anything filed in our case. (I am not joking, at all). He had a million excuses throughout the 8 months as to why he couldn't get anything done. He's sick, his dad is, he needs to spend time with his wife, his family is coming into town, hes been working all day, etc. etc. etc. I don't think there is a day where he spends more than 2 hours at his office at any time, so... yeah. Then of course, he's tragically wounded by a golf ball. Makes me wonder what hes coming up with for his current clients now.
Hilariously, when he was finally terminated, though he never billed us, he sent us an "estimation" claiming he did 29,000 in fees, but he wasn't going to "collect it" unless we filed a grievance against him - extortion is very cute. Hopefully, the attorney regulatory committee will stop him from hurting more innocent people in the future.
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