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5.0 9 reviews


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12 Jan, 2021
Attorney Seeger is a courteous professional and he took the time to explain all aspects of my case / clearly outlined all of my options. He had my case dismissed and I would highly recommend Attorney Seeger for your legal matter.
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09 Jun, 2015
Mr. Seeger was recommended to me by a friend a work, and I must say he was excellent and helping me straighten out my automotive/ driving permit legal issues. I was facing what I considered to be a serious reckless charge though not a DWI. Not a serious charge but nonetheless, through his advice and counsel, I was able to rectify my issues and allowed me to retain my permit and keep working without having to turn to public transport. I would recommend him to anyone. Thanks.
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07 Jun, 2015
We meet almost 16 years ago , since then he's not only my lawyer but very close family friend ... All kind of case been going on for me - DWi, Emigration , Family Law , labor Court - you name it ... Always there for me .... That guy is Sipmly The Best !!!! I always recommend him to my friends and they friends ...
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05 Jun, 2015
I was charged in Stamford for something that didn't happen the way the police made it out to be. As luck would have it, many years ago when I was in my early teens I used an AR program that prevented a criminal record. So when the new charge in Stamford came up I was very worried since I was faced with a trial or I would have to plead guilty. At least that is what friends and another lawyer told me. When I made my appointment with Steve he answered all my questions, and made me feel like I had a fighting chance. I trusted him and it paid off. He was able after several court appearances to convince the prosecutor that I was not guilty of what I was charged with. Even though I had used my "one slap on the wrist" for something that happened ages ago, I remained criminal record free after the charges were dropped all together. If you need a fighter who was caring and smart, Steve is your man and I have told many others since my own case.
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02 Jun, 2015
Yo tenía cargos criminales debido a un accidente que túve mientras estaba embriagada. En ese entonces estaba siendo asesorada por un servicio de inmigración de Stamford, quienes me dijeron que sería deportada por la gravedad de la convicción, el defensor público que me fué provisto me indicó que me declarara culpable y cumpliera mi sentencia en la carcel o que continuara un juicio. Algunos amigos me recomendaron a Steve, híce un a cita con él para escuchar una segunda opinión y cuando analizó mi caso, lo vió desde otro punto de vista. Contaba con personal que hablaba español, lo cual fué de mucha utilidad, Fuímos a corte y despues de esperar por mi juicio Steve convenció al fiscal de que Yo no fuera a la carcel. Yo pagué por todos los daños que causé antes de ser sentenciada. El abogado de la persona que lastimé informó a la corte de los esfuerzos que híce y que estaba en tratamiento. Como Steve lo díjo, era muy importante permitirle a la corte que viera la persona que realmente soy. Recibí una notificación de Inmigración despues de mi caso, pero Steve lo manejó en Hartford. Todavia estoy en Los Estados Unidos gracias a Steve. El es un luchador y así lo ha demostrado. I was charged in a drinking related accident and faced a felony on my record. At the time I was working with an immigration service in Stamford who told me I would be deported because of the conviction and the Public Defender they gave me told me that I had to plead guilty and go to jail or go to trial. Steve was the lawyer others recommended me to. I made an appointment with him for a second opinion and when he looked at my case he saw it very differently. He had staff that spoke Spanish, which helped me very much. We went to Court and after my waiting for my trial Steve convinced the prosecutor that I should not go to jail. I paid for the injuries I caused before I was sentenced. The lawyer for the person I hit told the Court about the efforts I made, and I showed I was in treatment. Like Steve said this was very important in allowing the Court to see the real person I am. I did get a notice from the Immigration Court after my case but Steve handled that in Hartford. I am still here because of Steve. He is a fighter and it shows.
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02 Jun, 2015
My dad got me Mr. Seeger when I was charged and had to go to criminal court in Stamford. I was in school and wanted to go to college without having a criminal record. Mr. Seeger made that happen. When we went to court people knew who he was, and we were always in and out quickly. I don't know what I would have done in my case if I didn't have him represent me. I am not happy I got into trouble but I am happy I had Mr. Seeger represent me. He was tough on me making sure I was towing the line all the time in court, making sure I dressed well and stuff. I don't have a record now because of him and Mr. Seeger taught me a lesson about my future.
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01 Jun, 2015
Steve was a blessing; I had a matter in criminal court in Stamford, and saw first hand how he was able to navigate the system. Everybody from prosecutors, judges and other lawyers know him, and it is obvious he is well respected. My matter was solved far more quickly than I could have imagined, and I have recommended Steve to many others since. If you need a lawyer knowledgeable in criminal matters call Steve, he will fight to see you're rights are upheld.
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01 Jun, 2015
Unfortunately I was the target of a federal criminal case a couple of years ago. I was facing a substantial jail sentence and when I began shopping for lawyers, Stephan's name came up again and again; I made an appointment and was so impressed I never went anywhere after. From the beginning I was told about the likely outcome of my case, and what the next steps were. I think I spent about a total of one and a half hours in Court in total, I was amazed. Even when I went for bail, and turned myself in, everything was already arranged. After hearing the horror stories about others being locked up for days before getting bail, I wanted to make sure that didn't happen to me. Stephan made it all happen. In spite of having pleaded guilty my case was handled professionally, and my exposure was minimized based on advice I received. I was updated regularly, and I went into the whole thing with eyes wide open. My questions were all answered quickly and even though it was a tense situation form beginning to end, I felt protected and comfortable. I wouldn't think of using any other lawyer for a Federal criminal case.
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01 Jun, 2015
I had a set of motor vehicle cases that were really causing me a problem for my job. If you work in the Stamford/ Greenwich area, you know how important it is to be able to drive and get around. I asked around and Seeger was the name I got from more than one person. Steve helped me resolve my several cases without getting a criminal record. He was well respected in the Court and knew everyone involved, which seemed to help and make things go faster. When it came time to argue my case, he was amazing and we got exactly what he predicted. Steve is smart, but he also cares about people, and I have referred others including my mother to him. He took an impossible case with her, and saved her from a jail sentence that another lawyer said could not be avoided. I am forever grateful for what Steve did for me and my family and if you are looking for a lawyer to get the job done, start with Steve.
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