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Alvin Harold Thomas Jr, experienced Criminal Defense, Family Law attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 15 reviews
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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14 Reviews
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12 Dec, 2024 by Marlon
Highly recommended Mr. Thomas did a great job. He’s a man of his word.
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25 Nov, 2024 by A d
My experience with the Law Offices of Alvin Thomas Jr. has given me confidence. I have no doubt who to call in a time of need.
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10 Jul, 2024 by Rc b
Attorney Thomas got me PAID! I was recommended his services and went to him on the humble, didn't even think there was much there and was not sure what kind of outcome I would get but once he heard the details of my situation he assured me that he had enough to work with. Three months later I had a 5 figure tax free check! God is good, and so is Mr. Thomas! Thank you
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Meagan Krystina Allen, experienced Business, Family Law attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 15 reviews
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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15 Reviews
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30 Dec, 2023 by Dawnta
We had the same lawyer since I started my brand 7 years ago. However, I had to get rid of them for the lack of due diligence on their part. Meagan was referred to us and all I can say is, wow! Night and day counsel experience. She’s very talented and professional at litigation. Business law is what we hired her for, but because she does so well, she’s now my lawyer for everything. She’s doesn’t cut any corners and becomes a leading wolf to help your company or personal matters in difficult situations. Her passion for the field is very real and not driven for money, but for what is right. She’s just phenomenal and a good lawyer is hard to come by!
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29 Dec, 2023 by Nicole
Ms. Allen has represented me in a very long and difficult divorce case. I appreciate how she takes the time to explain everything step by step throughout the process. She is relentless in her pursuit of positive results for her clients. I couldn’t ask for more!!!
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04 Aug, 2023 by Donnaillia
I hired Ms. Allen when I was dealing with a custody issue before moving overseas. I trusted her to help me fight this battle & we came out on top. She’s very professional & trustworthy. I definitely recommend her!
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Michael David Lovelace, experienced Criminal Defense, Family Law attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 8 reviews
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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8 Reviews
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20 Dec, 2022 by Anonymous
Let's just say no jail time no tickets just a small fine. Super lawyer he knows his way around the courtroom!
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08 Aug, 2019 by Anonymous
Mr. Lovelace took me on as a client in a misdemeanor criminal defense case. During a free consultation he told me how the process should unfold, his fees, and kept me calm until the court date. The charges were dropped. He knew a big issue was getting my record expunged, and immediately filed the paperwork to do so. On a side note, this is without a doubt among the better firms in the greater Fort Washington (PG County) area. After visiting several law firms - where in one instance another lawyer scheduled to meet me, but was not available during our scheduled time - it was obvious after walking into the Palumbo Law firm offices, they are as a whole capable of handling legal matters. They've got a nice office, legal assistants, paralegals, a professional staff, lawyers - a team on your side. Thank you Mr. Lovelace and the Palumbo Law Firm
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30 Mar, 2019 by Danny
Michael helped me clear my name after an ugly custody battle transpired into a vindictive attempt to take my son away from me who I have had primary custody of for the past 2 years . He was honest, and gave me realistic expectations throughout the entire litigation process which put me at ease . The day of court he orchestrated the entire situation with confidence and professionalism, you could tell by the way he handled a court room that there was a lot more to him than just knowledge and experience, he has a gift for debating facts and finding the truth even when facing individuals who attempt to manipulate the legal system he was able to navigate through the process with skill and perseverance. The case was quickly dismissed and my son was returned to me ! Michael saved my family
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Robert C Grantley, experienced Estate Planning, Family Law attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 77 reviews
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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77 Reviews
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14 Jan, 2025 by Noelis garcia
Son un grupo de abogados de mucha confianza un excelente servicio y en poco tiempo gane mi caso los recomiendo al 100
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30 Nov, 2024 by Karla bu
No doy menos de una estrella porque no sale esa opcion.. esta calificación es para la abogada Sharon.. si es que se puede llamar así porque no tiene nada de profesional.. les explico detalladamente lo que paso.. el año pasado como en estas fechas teníamos una abogada llamada Megan Brody esta abogada se asusto por la jueza que nos tocaba para la corte que teníamos enero de este año y ella nos cito en la oficina supuestamente para prepararnos para la corte y lo que paso al momento de la cita fue que nos quería obligar a rendirnos porque supuestamente no íbamos a ganar por la jueza que nos tocó.. decidimos no seguir con ella entonces contratamos a Sharon esta abogada la contratamos en enero y desde entonces no hizo nada por nosotros.. solo nos contacto en 3 ocasiones, 1 para decir que tenia la información que Megan le mando, en la cual me di cuenta que Megan perdió evidencia.. 2 para gritarme e insultarme y humillarme porque contacte a Megan para reclamarle que me perdió información importante y de la cual nos cobro mucho dinero y la 3 fue porque queríamos que nos asesorara porque a mi esposo le paso una situación que al parecer aplica a visa u la pregunta de nosotros fue : que nos conviene visa U o seguir con el asilo? Ella contesto que no sabia que aconsejar que era decisión de nosotros por cual irnos.. PORFAVOR se supone que ella es la abogada y para eso se le pagó.. a raíz de esto y por la forma en que me humilló la ves pasada decidimos no continuar con ella , se le envió un mensaje al asistente A OTRA COSA a ella no le gustaba que le mandaran mensajes ni mucho menos le llamáramos, pues le dijimos al asistente Kevin que ya no necesitaríamos de la representación de ella y que hicieran el cálculo de cuanto nos devolverían ya que le habíamos dado $4250, ellos hicieron un cálculo absurdo, cobraron por cosas que no hicieron como: cambio de corte ya que vivíamos antes en fairfax y nos mudamos a woodbridge, ese cambio lo hizo Megan recibimos la carta de confirmación de la corte dirigiéndose a Megan. Por reclamar devolución de dinero a abogada anterior ella en ningún momento hizo eso, nosotros le preguntamos más bien a que nombre Megan le haría el cheque ya que ella dijo que se lo mandaran a ella y no a nosotros.. nosotros estuvimos reclamando a megan ya que nos quería devolver solo 1000 y hicimos que nos devolviera 3250 de 8000 qué nos había ganado.. Cobro por interprete.. yo me quedé sin palabras cuando vi esto porque no necesitamos intérprete ya que mi esposo habla inglés 100% yo un 50% pero mi esposo me traducía cuando yo no le entendía a esa abogada.. Cobro por "recolectar y adjuntar evidencia" nunca nos solicitó más información, si cuando le hable a Megan por la información ella se molesto y me humilló haciéndome repetir 3 veces en vos alta "No debo contactar a Megan" nadie me había humillado así.. Cobro 1200 de consulta inicial, nosotros pagamos 250 en efectivo de esa consulta inicial al igual que otros abogados siempre cobran esa consulta en efectivo. Cada cobro es una cantidad exageradamente ridicula y aun así dicen que nosotros les debemos más dinero.. Yo contacte a la contadora de este grupo llamada Miriam, para ver si nos podia ayudar, ella me dijo que iba a tratar de hablar con ella y que me contactaría, hablamos con un supervisor de la firma Walton.. pero hasta el momento no tenemos ninguna respuesta.. Cuando Sharon se dio cuenta que contactamos personas nos llamó de una forma agresiva qué ni nos dejaba hablar tengo esa grabación de la llamada para comprobar la forma incorrecta que tiene ella de tratar a sus clientes.. después el mismo día recibimos una carta de ella diciendo que renuncia a llevarnos el casa porque según ella " le faltamos el respeto a ella y al grupo de ella" eso nunca pasó además no se porque hizo esa carta si nosotros fuimos los que decidimos no seguir trabajando con ella anteriormente.. Amigos latinos si no quieren perder su dinero NO contacten a esta señora. Nosotros hubieramos deseado haber encontrado a alguien que nos dijera como es ella y así no hubieramos perdido tanto dinero..
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12 Nov, 2024 by Wendy orellana
Thank you a Sharon Hall and Kevin Enriquez for helping us in our process, thanks to them it was a very fast step for me and my family. They were always there to help with our questions and they were always available all the time. 100% recommended.
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Jennifer Lucille Muskus, experienced Child Custody, Child Support attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 18 reviews
Below Average
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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18 Reviews
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24 Apr, 2023 by Kris
I had never experienced divorce before, did not know what to expect and was relying on Jennifer to guide me through the process. The filing of paperwork was great but the legal guidance was lousy. She did not ask my witness the right questions. She just asked her if “there was anything she wanted to say”. Not familiar with what issues or questions that were important my witness didn’t give the right information that would have supported my case. Also, in a joint meeting with the defense attorney Jennifer gave out advice that cost me almost a thousand dollars and helped the defense’s client. After seeing other attorneys perform their job in court I would never hire her for any reason again.
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17 Jul, 2021 by Anonymous
In 2011 I lost custody of my two children while being represented by Ms. Muskus and was ordered to pay child support to my abusive husband. I was in class at the time trying to make a job change I had inconsistent work hours the judge didn’t understand that this was a temporary situation and my lawyer didn’t really say what she needed to say to prove my case.Ms. Muskus lost the case I was devastated, but all Ms. Muskus could think about was getting her check. My faith in the legal system was shattered then and I still feel the same today.My children and I were victims of the legal system. Ms. Muskus ruined my life in one court case and I’m still trying to pick up the pieces.
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12 Feb, 2021 by Alvenia
My representation was not as adequate or thorough as the lawyer for the defendant. Since working with Jennifer I've seen how lawyers pled cases, the language they use, how they present the evidence. As my lawyer I expect her know what kind of questions that should be asked. She failed to provide sufficient guidance to my witness as far as questions to be asked that would reveal information that prove my case. She did not adequately challenge what the dependant said on followup nor challenge with followup questions. On appeal she helped the defendant by giving his attorney advice that helped his client. On appeal she was present in the courtroom but said nothing. She left my defense to an attorney I did not choose and his performance was a joke. I knew I had lost my case by the reaction of the three judges. I felt I paid her to just file court papers because the representation was totally insufficient and inadequate. We did not have a pre-appeal meeting to jointly prepare for the appeal court date which I asked for and was told we would talk before the court session. She arrived late and I did not like her approach to presenting my case but it was to late to change approach. I lost my case. Now that I have seen how good lawyers perform, I regret hiring Jennifer and would not recommend her to anyone else.
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Dominique Stanford Moore, experienced Family Law, Real Estate attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 0 reviews
Below Average
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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Andrew John Grimaldi, experienced Business, Consumer Protection attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 0 reviews
Below Average
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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Carol Ann Martindale-Padmore, experienced Family Law attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 0 reviews
Below Average
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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Andrew David Hribik, experienced Family Law, Insurance attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 0 reviews
Below Average
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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Dominique Stanford Moore, experienced Family Law, Real Estate attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 0 reviews
Below Average
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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Charles E Walton, experienced Criminal Defense, Family Law attorney in Fort Washington, MD with 0 reviews
Below Average
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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What a Family Law Lawyer Can Do for You

A family law lawyer provides legal services related to family relationships, including marriage, divorce, child custody, and adoption. Family lawyers help clients navigate emotionally charged legal issues, providing guidance and representation in disputes that affect spouses, children, and parents. Whether you're going through a divorce, seeking custody of your children, or drafting a prenuptial agreement, a family law lawyer ensures your rights are protected and your interests are represented.

Family law attorneys often handle sensitive matters and offer objective legal advice, helping clients reach fair outcomes either through negotiation, mediation, or litigation.

When Should I Hire a Family Law Lawyer?

Hiring a family law lawyer is beneficial in several situations, especially when legal matters involve close personal relationships. Common reasons to hire a family law lawyer include:

  • Divorce or separation: When ending a marriage, a lawyer can help you navigate issues such as division of assets, spousal support, and child custody arrangements.
  • Child custody and visitation disputes: If you and your co-parent can't agree on custody or visitation, a lawyer can represent your interests and work toward a solution that benefits your children.
  • Child support: Whether you’re seeking child support or defending against a claim, a lawyer can help ensure the appropriate amount is calculated and enforced.
  • Prenuptial or postnuptial agreements: A lawyer can help draft or review agreements that protect your assets in case of divorce.
  • Adoption: Family law lawyers guide you through the legal process of adoption, ensuring that all requirements are met.
  • Domestic violence or restraining orders: If you're a victim of domestic violence or being falsely accused, a lawyer can help you obtain or challenge protective orders.
  • Paternity cases: If there are questions about the paternity of a child, a lawyer can help establish or dispute legal fatherhood.

Hiring a lawyer early can prevent issues from escalating, and they can offer you the best chance of achieving a favorable outcome in emotionally charged situations.

What Does a Family Law Lawyer Do?

A family law lawyer provides a wide range of services depending on your specific legal needs. Their responsibilities may include:

  • Advising on legal rights and options: Helping you understand your legal rights regarding divorce, child custody, support, and other family law issues.
  • Filing legal documents: Drafting and filing petitions, motions, and agreements with the court, such as divorce papers, custody agreements, or support orders.
  • Representing clients in court: Arguing your case in front of a judge if a settlement can’t be reached through negotiation or mediation.
  • Mediation and negotiation: Assisting with alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, to reach agreements on issues like custody, property division, and support without going to trial.
  • Enforcing court orders: Helping you enforce court orders related to child support, alimony, or custody if the other party fails to comply.
  • Drafting prenuptial or postnuptial agreements: Creating agreements that protect your assets in the event of a divorce.
  • Handling adoption proceedings: Ensuring that the legal process of adoption is followed, from filing paperwork to finalizing the adoption in court.

How Are Family Law Lawyers Paid?

Family law lawyers typically charge clients in one of several ways, depending on the complexity of the case and the lawyer’s experience. Common payment arrangements include:

  • Hourly rates: Most family lawyers charge by the hour, with rates varying based on experience and location. Clients are billed for the time spent working on their case, including consultations, court appearances, and document preparation.
  • Flat fees: For more straightforward legal services, such as drafting a prenuptial agreement or handling an uncontested divorce, some lawyers offer flat-fee arrangements.
  • Retainer fees: In cases that are expected to require significant time and attention, such as contentious custody battles, a lawyer may charge a retainer, which is an upfront payment that covers the initial costs of legal services. The lawyer then bills against the retainer as they work on your case.

The exact cost will depend on the complexity of your case and the lawyer’s fee structure, which should be discussed upfront.

How Much Does a Family Law Lawyer Cost?

The cost of hiring a family law lawyer varies based on factors such as the lawyer's experience, the location, and the complexity of your case. Here are some general cost guidelines:

  • Hourly rates: Family law lawyers typically charge between $150 and $500 per hour, depending on their experience and the complexity of the case.
  • Flat fees: For simpler cases, such as drafting a prenuptial agreement or handling an uncontested divorce, fees may range from $1,000 to $5,000.
  • Retainers: For more complex matters, such as contested divorces or custody battles, lawyers may charge a retainer ranging from $2,500 to $10,000 or more. The lawyer will bill against the retainer for the work they do on your case.
  • Additional costs: You may also be responsible for additional costs, such as filing fees, mediation fees, or expert witness fees.

Always ask for a clear breakdown of the lawyer’s fees and any additional expenses during your consultation.

Top Questions to Ask a Family Law Lawyer

Before hiring a family law lawyer, it's important to ask questions to ensure they're the right fit for your case. Here are key questions to ask during your consultation:

  1. What experience do you have with family law cases like mine?
    Make sure the lawyer has experience handling cases similar to yours, whether it's a contested divorce, child custody dispute, or adoption.
  2. How will you charge for your services?
    Clarify whether the lawyer charges by the hour, a flat fee, or requires a retainer. Ask for an estimate of the total costs involved.
  3. What are the possible outcomes of my case?
    An experienced lawyer should be able to give you a general idea of what to expect based on the facts of your case.
  4. What is your approach to resolving disputes?
    Ask whether the lawyer tends to favor negotiation and mediation or whether they prefer to take cases to court. This can help you determine if their style matches your goals.
  5. How long do you expect my case to take?
    While it’s difficult to predict, the lawyer should give you an estimate based on similar cases.
  6. Who will be handling my case?
    In larger firms, junior attorneys or paralegals may do much of the work, so make sure you understand who will be your main point of contact.

How to Check the Credibility of a Family Law Lawyer

To ensure you're hiring a reputable family law lawyer, follow these steps to verify their credentials and reputation:

  • Check state bar association records: Verify that the lawyer is licensed to practice in your state and is in good standing with no disciplinary actions.
  • Read client reviews and testimonials: Look for reviews on websites like Avvo, Google, or Martindale-Hubbell. Previous clients can give you insight into the lawyer’s professionalism and success in family law cases.
  • Request references: Ask the lawyer for references from past clients who can speak to their experience with the lawyer.
  • Review their website or professional profile: Look at the lawyer’s background, case history, and areas of focus to ensure they have substantial experience in family law.
  • Look for professional memberships: Membership in reputable organizations, such as the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), can indicate a lawyer's expertise and dedication to family law.

What Should I Prepare for My First Consultation?

To get the most out of your first consultation with a family law lawyer, it’s important to come prepared. Here’s what you should bring:

  • Relevant documents: Bring any documents related to your case, such as marriage certificates, prenuptial agreements, financial records, custody agreements, or court orders.
  • List of assets and debts: For divorce cases, prepare a detailed list of all assets (e.g., homes, bank accounts, retirement funds) and debts (e.g., mortgages, loans, credit card balances).
  • Details of the family issue: Provide a written summary of the situation, including key dates and facts related to your divorce, custody dispute, or support issue.
  • Questions for the lawyer: Write down any questions you have about the legal process, costs, and potential outcomes.
  • Your goals: Be prepared to discuss your objectives, such as custody arrangements, property division, or spousal support, so the lawyer understands your priorities.

Being organized and clear about your situation will help the lawyer evaluate your case more effectively and offer the best advice for moving forward.

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