23 Feb, 2024
Dear Mr. Dovico,
The undersigned hereby demands that you: Return my brand new $300 Michael Kors backpack with the
contents returned with the $10+k jewelry returned. However, I was told that although my backpack was
located, my jewelry wasn't and the backpack was thrown away. This is to be finalized no later than
12/15/23 as I have been asking about this since 2/13/23.
As my email previously stated: I just got off the MSC Merivilgia on 2/12/22. I was injured on YOUR wet
floor the night on 2/11/22. Because of this, an employee from Guest Services wheeled my suitcase that
had my Michael Kors backpack attached to it to the Broadway theater to await debarkation. I did not
realize she took my backpack off the suitcase and put it on the floor so when I left, I left without my
backpack. I had thousands (about 10k worth) of dollars of fine jewelry in my backpack along with other
items that I need reimbursed for immediately.
I will like this matter addressed asap.
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