07 Aug, 2013
When first met, he talked up my case(a boundry dispute). Constantly received billed time for calls and if you have a simple question look for him to drag it out for 30 minutes to an hour, and still not get a straight answer. At $275.00 a question, you soon find yourself not wanting to ask anything. My neighbor and I settled it with mediation. I did not want or need an attorney there but some how the attorney turned a 45 minute possible agreement into an 8 hour day...costing in access of $3000.00. I think he opened his mouth 3 or 4 times. He mostly sat there and seemed to be reviewing someone elses case. The mediator seemed more knowlegeable about boundry issues and law than the attorney. I would never recommend him. This is my opinion-you may want to do your own research. Try to keep from thowing money out the window
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