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Angel rivera lopez
10 Oct, 2023
Latoya bogan
10 Oct, 2023
Stephanie braskey
10 Oct, 2023
Joy holly
10 Oct, 2023
Frank formisano
10 Oct, 2023
Tawana ware
10 Oct, 2023
Hello good morning how are you feeling today on this beautiful Tuesday Morning, I Tawana Ware want to share my experience with your law firm,My concern is I am assigned to Ms Angle to represent me on my case as of 10/05/2023 according to the information I have received, I have made several calls to make contact with Ms Angle, But no response from her as of 10/17/2023, Communication is key to any legal, professional, business relationship to have a successful outcome,In my experience if there is little or no contact at all,It will cause lack of knowledge, experience understanding, mistakes,Miss communication,trial and error, etc,My concern is I want to change this lack of communication,To better attorney and client in this matter at hand going forward,I looked forward to hearing from Ms Angle soon as possible,Thank you for your time in this report in moving forward, Signed MsWare
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Mickey bowman
10 Oct, 2023
Rob schlock
10 Oct, 2023
Brenda liberty
10 Oct, 2023
Nick kolehmainen
10 Oct, 2023
Kayedeon murray
10 Oct, 2023
Jakob cash
10 Oct, 2023