11 Sep, 2024
Looks like there are a lot of fake reviews here. Read on to see how he is degrading to women and pro se litigants.
Folks, please do a little research on spotting fake reviews. Beckus, you SHOULD know this, being an attorney, but buying fake google reviews is illegal.
Mr. Beckus represents my ex. I am pro se. Ultimately in the end, Mr. Beckus has accomplished nothing for my ex other than giving him a lot of debt and making it harder for him to pay his child support. So we are both worse off because of him.
Also, I am reporting him to the FL Bar Association for his degrading remarks sent to me via email today. These remarks were made after I (a pro se litigant with no experience) corrected him, for the umpteenth time about details in our court order.
He has NO BUSINESS degrading a self represented woman like this. And no I have not been nice to him either, but I am not an attorney and my rudeness was in response to him making mistakes and causing BS while his rudeness was in response to me correcting him on that bs.
He is an infantile, toddlerish little man. Go take a look at how he responded to his other negative reviews. I have spoken to women he has represented in the past who are in financial ruin because of him and gained nothing from his services.
He admitted to me that he currently has over 100 open cases. Just him and his one assistant. Do not hire this clown. He will pour your money down the toilet and give you nothing for it.
And then he might call you ugly.
Cannot WAIT for your response, Georgie Porgie.
Unfortunately this site does not have an option for me to upload screenshots, but if anyone would like to see them, please feel free to email me at
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