15 Aug, 2024
So …. My life has been kinda crazy in the last year, but fortunately I met Tim, and he’s helped me get through ALL of my problems. Please take the time to read everything. This is an incredible testimony. My life would have been ruined without Tim !
In May 2023, my son’s mother and I separated. She planned to take my son away from me and move off to FL.
Tim helped me put a stop to that immediately. We filed a motion for legitimation and custody, and that came with the added bonus of a standing order.
So in response, my ex made some really nasty false allegations, and filed for a TPO. Her plan was to force me out of our sons life, get our standing order dropped, and have me locked up. This was the scariest thing I’ve ever dealt with in my life.
So I hired Tim to represent me for this as well. 30 days later when we got to the hearing, he turned her world upside down. The TPO was dismissed, the state had no case or potential to try and pursue pressing criminal charges, and we established a temporary parenting/custody arrangement until we could have a final hearing for the first case.
I’d also like to add that I had to meet with an investigator three times because of all of the insanity mentioned above. Tim went with me each time and took care of everything.
As the months went by, I was able to keep seeing my son two weekends a month, and FaceTime with him regularly. This kept us close, in touch, and prevented the need for a Guardian ad litem down the road. That saved me a LOT of money and time for our case.
In June 2023, I got into a really bad car wreck. Tim offered to handle the personal injury case for me, and we were able to get a settlement for 60 K.
In January 2024, I was in another car wreck …. So I asked Tim if he wanted to take care of another personal injury case for me. We’re still currently working through this case, but it’s looking promising with a settlement around 50 K.
In June of 2024, we were finally able to make arrangements for mediation. In just 3 1/2 hours, Tim was able to get me almost everything I wanted, and my ex and I settled.
During the entirety of everything Tim and I have faced together - 4 separate cases in 14 months, I haven’t had to speak to or answer questions from a judge one single time. This is EXACTLY how you want things to go in legal proceedings.
This man literally saved my life, allowed me to keep my freedom, kept me in sons life, and has helped me win more $ then it cost me to do all of this.
If you find yourself in some bad situations like I did, I recommend you give Tim a call. He was worth every dollar spent and helped me get through the most difficult time of my life.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything Tim
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