Overall rating
Eli salazar
29 Sep, 2017
Very disappointed consumer law group all they want is money they dont pick up calls they dont give the messages to the lawyer they dont move one finger at all they dont do anything, all they want is easy money from people who strogles so much to get that money thinking that they will help our family so wrong, too much advertising for nothing
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Jomi rios
29 Sep, 2017
Cuidado con ellos me robaron 400 dolares de mi tarjerta sin yo darle autorizacion deverdad no los recomiendo no sirven me dijeron que mi caso era un caso muy complicado y cuando fuy a otro abogado todo salio bien y no me combraron tanto como ellos no hacen nada ni te garantizan nada en la corte Un abogados que no te garantiza nada en corte no sirve eso esta muy claro le dicen ala gente que ponga buenos comentarios para que sus rating suban pero hay abogados que te cobran el 10% del precio de ellos y te sacan de tus problemas gente SOMOS LATINOS TODOS NO SE DEJEN ENGAÑAR DE ESTA GENTE BUSQUEN UNA SEGUNDA OPINIÓN LES GARANTIZO QUE LES VA A SALIR MAS BARATO Y NO CON LAS COSAS QUE TE DICEN ELLOS (PUERCOS)
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Mario morales
29 Sep, 2017
Servicio muy eficiente abogados honestos y éticos. La. Verdad te presionan demasiado para obtener tu caso. Y cobran muy caro. Sólo si tienes un récord no muy limpio creo que si valdría la pena. Y lo pensaría dos veses.
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Silva santana
29 Sep, 2017
This people should call themselves the thiefs of the Pueblo. All they want is steal your money. They should be ashamed of the scams they are doing. They tell people all this good things about their case when in reality they know they dont have a case. I would give them no star if I could. Don't waste your time and money with them. Inform yourself about your case with several attorneys before paying any money.
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Christina gaytan (christina gaytan)
29 Sep, 2017
******Update after posting this review I was contacted by there Customer care which told me that if I slander there name I would be charged and wanted to help and wanted to investigate what had happened. One thing this is the FIRST TIME I have ever seen someone from this company work so hard wow! I say just because of a bad review should have done that when my husband's case was still there.
My husband and I went here to have his case done. All they did was take our money 4 months later gave us his papers and told us to look for another Lawyer. What a bunch of garbage take our money and do as little work as possible. These people are no help basically you talk to a sale person the whole time my advice go somewhere else. Very disappointed so highly recommended and a load of garbage is all you get.
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Jesus valentin
29 Sep, 2017
Javier rodriguez
29 Sep, 2017
Me arrepiento de haberlos contratado, jamas crei que pudieran tener un systema exajeradamente inepto. No sirven para nada. No lo recomiendo en lo absoluto , al principio me trataron exelente , me llamaban continuamente para hacerme pensar que todo el proceso seria asi y despues de que les firme el contrato ya no les importo. Ya ni siquiera los mensajes que dejaba me respondian es increible como trabajan, la verdad es una lastima de que se esten aprobechando de las sircunstancias que estan pasando aora en este pais para aprobecharse de las personas y robarse el dinero que tanto trabajo nos cuesta ganar.
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Alejandra garcia
29 Sep, 2017
no se lo recomendaria a nadie de mi familia y amigos al principio muy amables despues ni te llaman
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Luisa seymour
29 Sep, 2017
Very disappointing with these "lawyer" they should be call WE ARE A BUNCH OF STILLER. at the beginning they bring you the starts down, giving you hope that your case have a solution. they will call you every month to remind you about your payments, after you finish paying, that's all. Good luck trying to rich them. They supposedly sent my paper to immigration, but immigration never have send me a receipt they receive the paper. my case is going to have 3 years already and nothing of nothing. I'll recommend you to do your research before you go to this place. I'm pretty sure they have to be better places, the problem is i paid my 8,500.00 already .
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Lindafto** urgiles
28 Sep, 2017
Excelentes abogados, consulta fue gratis. Muy buen servicio al cliente
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Yolanda picazo
28 Sep, 2017
Johnny was excellent. He took very good care of me would highly recommend his services.
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Cassandra aguila
27 Sep, 2017
It was a great experience thanks for the help!
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