22 Jan, 2015
Got me what i beleive to be a very good deal. I thought i would have to pay thousands in fines on top of community hours. My fine was less than 400 and no community hours. Give Doug a shot he sits down with you, discusses your case and he gets to work.
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26 Dec, 2014
I hired Doug to represent me in my dui/operating an uninsured vehicle case. The uninsured was thrown out when I provided proof that I had insurance at the time of the arrest. As far as the dui case, he was able to have the summary suspension rescinded. He then was able to get my dui dismissed after a bench trial. The whole process took a little over 2 months. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a good dui lawyer. He's the best!!
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19 May, 2014
My case was very simple, I have no priors, and due to the fault of mis-handled paperwork by the state, by case was dismissed at the first pre-trial. Thank you Doug Deboer!!!
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Francisco escamilla
04 Oct, 2013
He was very nice and knowledgeable and always kept me informed on my case he got my driving record cleaned up and my license back, very good lawyer I've recommended him to all my friends who have needed a lawyer.
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