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4.0 1 reviews


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26 Nov, 2014
I went through a very long and challenging unique divorce case and process. I started with one lawyer then represented myself for a bit and then found Mr. Goldie. He took my case when no one else would! He heard me right from the start on what was important to me and what I was looking to accomplish! He met me exactly where I was at, he stuck with me during a very stressful time and encouraged me to hang in there every time I wanted to just give up! I have to say being in this as long as I have, speaking with as many lawyers as I have, sitting at the court house as many times as I have, overhearing and listening to so many of them. Mr. Goldie is one of the few lawyers with integrity!!! That to me went way further than any experience or “show” in the courtroom or sly negotiations I witnessed. Mr. Goldie worked with me and treated me as part of the team. He was continually patient with me even when I was difficult and I know I was often! He showed empathy for me through every situation! “It’s not personal” isn’t true in divorce, it is a very hard time for the two people going through it and their families! Even though it’s just another day at the office for a divorce attorney, I never felt Mr. Goldie didn’t get it! He treats each case as separate and unique giving them the attention they need. If Mr. Goldie didn’t know an answer he found it, if he believed we needed to add to our team he brought on great advisors. Mr. Goldie was great in my case and he will continue to be even better in this profession because he is actually looking out for his clients and never gives up on them! He is honest, personable, professional and reasonable!
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