Overall rating
Lenard hines
20 Nov, 2023
Our sincere appreciation to White Oak Law Group. I would suggest this firm to anyone experiencing financial difficulties that they could not have avoided.
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John francis
18 Nov, 2023
Having White Oak Law Group negotiate my debts has been helpful. The service representatives are always kind and helpful.
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Kevin jones
15 Nov, 2023
I signed up for this program saw no progress over a few months. I held a conversation with a few of the debt collectors and settle my credit card debt with a lower payment so I was wondering why do I need them. I cancelled the consolidation program and was expecting what I have given to be returned. I found out every withdraw from my account carried a fee as if everything was starting over every payment. They kept over a thousand for nothing with no progress.I got nothing back when I terminated the plan they wasn't doin or making progress. I guess I was the second out of 10 that was happy with the service.
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Kathy minard
04 Nov, 2023
White Oak Law Group genuinely takes the time to hear you out and address your concerns. They treat me with respect, and I like my time here at the company.
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Belle schmitt
02 Nov, 2023
I requested a way to speed up the length of my software, and they provided me with a solution.
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Mary montgomery
30 Oct, 2023
My debts have been paid in full. I appreciate all the direction you offered me.
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Elijah branch
28 Oct, 2023
So far, so good with the debt reduction program at White Oak. I'm excited to finally graduate without any student loans to pay off and am happy with the work thus far.
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Prity nonoami
26 Oct, 2023
The debt reduction services of White Oak Law are first-rate. The application is developing normally, and the support team is constantly there to answer my questions.
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Sheree lacasse
19 Oct, 2023
Thanks to the assistance of White Oak Law Group, I was able to settle my account with the creditor earlier than I had anticipated. Without their encouragement, I never would have succeeded. I appreciate it.
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Francis marino
17 Oct, 2023
With White Oak Law Group, everything went smoothly. They were incredibly helpful in answering all of my inquiries and addressing my issues. They were able to negotiate a settlement inside the first six months, so I know I'll be debt-free sooner than expected.
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Emmett worley
15 Oct, 2023
The service staff at Whiteoak Law Group was professional, kind, and quick. They dealt with my situation competently.
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Thomas ratliff
12 Oct, 2023
Working with WhiteOak legal was a pleasure, and they delivered on all of their promises.
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