Overall rating
Brandon chirpas
26 Mar, 2023
Hired Mr. Gaunt. Very professional and through lawyer.
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24 Nov, 2022
I hired Jim to give advise on real estate issue. It took 5 calls to his office to get any response from him. I realize my issue was not as pressing as many others he may have had, but he could have least acknowledged that I contacted him or his receptionist and said he would back with me in a certain number of days. At the time his rate was $225 and hour. After 3 hours of consultation, it was painfully obvious he was not doing any research. He was just shooting advice off the top of his head. I was able to get access to court cases that dealt with my issue through the legal data base Lexisnexis. I learned a whole lot more than I ever learned from Jim. I figured that if I had to do my own research, why am I paying him? I paid Jim for his 3 hours and hired an attorney in Indianapolis for $350 per hour. The difference was night and day. I learned more in an hour from Indianapolis attorney than in the 3 hours I spent on Jim. I eventually spent about $5000 in legal fees. It was money well spent.
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Kristi anderson
25 Sep, 2022
Shannon barker (shan)
24 Sep, 2022
Very knowledgeable and helpful an excellent and reputable law firm.
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Alice cox
07 Aug, 2022
Cindi pond
15 Jul, 2022
Called and left message w/ receptionist a week ago for an appointment. She said she would give to one of the attorneys and have them call me. Also filled out their contact form online. Still have never heard back.
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Sarah whitford
07 Jul, 2022
Kr love
23 Jun, 2022
Lizzy young
19 Mar, 2022
Ross byrnes
17 Mar, 2022
Jim Wisco is ver competent. A very very intelligent person. Also very good at his job and very very smart when it comes to anything to do with the law. If you are honest with him,do what he suggests and TGEN just leave him alone and let him do his job,he does it very very well. I would recommend anybody that I know to attorney James wisco. He has went above and beyond for me and never tried to charge me anything extra even though he did extra. Have never dealt with any other attorneys at foley pedon and wisco but have also heard great things from everyone I have ever talked to about the other attorneys in this office as well. Highly Recommended
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Jeffery boner
26 Feb, 2022
Riley reese
02 Feb, 2022
A top notch law firm providing exceptional service. Jim Wisco is an excellent advocate with a great reputation. I highly recommend this law firm.
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