Overall rating
Amanda bryant
18 Nov, 2021
Nick Pearl will take your money then represent you however he wants. When you call for help or to talk about your situation that he arranged for you in court he has an attitude. The man takes your money sticks you with whatever outcome is easiest and fastest, then when you ask for help he says I have other clients and hangs up. Once you give your money do not expect any professionalism or help from him anymore. He got what he wants "Your money" and you as a person he could care less about.
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Patty sanders
17 Nov, 2021
Hi want let you know that Evan Spalding is kind , compatinate man He really keeps n touch with you. Calling or texting, He is a great attorney
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Allen riggs
26 Oct, 2021
Bout to hire you guys
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Good bye
08 Oct, 2021
Brandon love
08 Oct, 2021
Dana leonard
08 Oct, 2021
Not able to help in my circumstance
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Lee ann murphy
02 Oct, 2021
Friendly staff, Mr. Spaulding has been very professional & accommodating.
Only downside is parking or maybe I'm just not familiar enough with the area
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Aileen norden
01 Oct, 2021
Excellent attorney. My husband has been an attorney (litigation) in Atl for decades - so over time he has amassed a list of good attorneys - various states, various specialties. He already knew Mr. Spalding's name - he is highly respected by his colleagues in the Southeast. Then we needed to use him for someone in our own family - that's when you realize just how critical it is to know you have a good attorney. It's different when he's YOUR attorney. He did an amazing job. He's one of those people who managed to find what they were actually meant to do in life. The only reason I was able to sleep at night during this ordeal, was because I knew Mr. Spalding was in charge.
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Julie ford
28 Aug, 2021
Denise cason
14 Aug, 2021
Mickala gillispie
12 Aug, 2021
Claims to work in the best interest of children, but proved to lean towards the deciding factor of money. If you pay him enough, he will work to get whatever you want even if it is harmful to the children. Any attorney that works to take children from fit and loving parents rates less than one star in my book and should in everyone else's. Shameful and selfish!
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Ricardo crespo
10 Aug, 2021
Seems like its about the money more than trying to help a person out. He spoke about the money before he even tried to talk about the issue. Im glad I walked away because with a little more research i found i would have had to pay so much for something that would not have worked out in my favor. It would have been money flushed away. May be it was to early in the morning but he seemed lost or confused. I have payed for his services a long time ago and he was great. It was sad to see him this way but time does change people. This was just my experience and may have been a bad morning for him. Wish him well. Morale of the story is do your research.
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