02 Mar, 2023
I can only say The Truth about what Mr Joe has done for not only myself as a Client
My son John as well
I know that Joe has represented both of Us
from start to finish
Johns started back in 90’s Joe was there then
just like He is now We call that Going Above and Beyond
My “In Your Area”charges from both county,s
From OfficerFriendly are now
In Yoyr Face t with 5yr probation 2 1/2 if good
No Felon Charge on my Record I thought was Awesome but couldn’t figure out why
Joe apologized for not being able to
Do More
If I Pleaded Guilty
How much More could He Do?
He was Honest with the Outcome
I was Honest when asked
Do “you have any Drugs in car no
Just My Pot
So I am Thankful even outta the court room
I was Detained after court by an Officer
For questioning as Joe was on way out
He stopped asked if I was being charged if not then I was Free to Go
Officer disagreed then he pointed that out to her I stood with I am a Phone Call Away from Joe
That shows” Who He Is”
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