05 Aug, 2018
I had this attorney for two years and seriously, I honestly believe she spent that time working against me! She literally did nothing to help me, the only thing she ever did was stick her hand out for more money. Examples would include, when I asked if I did in fact have an active warrant my response was “I haven’t seen one” so I asked if she had looked into it and her response was “no”. Then she went ahead and looked it up while I was on the phone with her, in about 3 minuets said “oh, yes you do”. Attorney Davis was going to let me believe I didn’t have a warrant why? Because I didn’t ask the exact right question? Or how she failed in two years to ever give me or inform me of the existence of a income and expense statement to adjust my child support (which my new attorney gave me within 48 hours of being hired and took me 40 min to fill out). Attorney Davis kept informing me that nothing could be done about child support until we were in front of a Judge and that had to be one of the last issues addressed “because there’s an order in which these things have to happen”. Attorney Davis literally sat across a desk from me, looked me square in the eyes and on multiple occasions bold face lied to me. Best of all I have to say is when my ex wife filed a motion with her attorney and I had no idea about this motion until 5 weeks after it was filed and from a different attorneys office who I was getting a consultation from. That’s right an office I was consulting with is how I found out about this motion that was filed 5 weeks earlier, not from Attorney Davis! Thank god I had that consultation, otherwise I probably still wouldn’t know I missed a major court date. However Attorney Davis had no problem billing me $300 for reviewing and typing up a letter to me (that I never received) about this very important, case defining motion and court date. A simple phone call was too difficult? I highly doubt she ever wrote any letter but that’s just my opinion, the rest of this review are facts! If you want to be talked down to, belittled and not be able to get a word in edgewise please hire Attorney Davis. The last phone conference we had I hung p on her because she flat out was talking over me, interrupting me and would not let me get a sentence in and I just said, well I’m not paying $250 an hour to listen to her ignor and disrespect me. And the receptionist there, well that’s for another review! Incredibly rude people and a terrible office as a whole, they don’t even use email, only fax! So after I went and bought a fax machine and had a land line hooked up in my house guess how many faxes I received, one! They don’t have voice mails, all messages go through the receptionist and that’s pretty much where they stop. And I saved the best for last, when I asked for them to fax me all communications between Attorney Davis and my ex wife’s Attorney for my records I was told that all communications and agreements between them had been verbal and there were no records to send. Verbal! Do yourself a favor and save thousands of dollars by hiring someone who hates you to represent you at least by accident they’ll probably do a better job than Attorney Davis has done for me.
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14 Mar, 2017
I believe she is the best in what she does. I just wish I could retain her before my court date.
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15 Mar, 2016
This lawyer has no detail, she doesn't fight for you. She doesn't make time for you, nor fill you in on what is going on. Had a hearing on my case on a Tuesday. I called on Wednesday to find out what happened she wont return my calls. I have provided everything she has asked for promptly, yet she never seems to be able to get back with me. I call to set up a meeting to talk out the "game plan." She doesn't have a 15min opening for 3 weeks? I am sure if I was a new client needing to get her services and provide her with a retainer she would find the time to meet with me.
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27 Feb, 2015
Having another lawyer look through my case and allot of things not done, n not done right. Simple divorce taking way to long with mrs. Davis. Cancelled meetings n blamed me. Lost payments o made n charged me to get them fix. Said one thing n did another behind my back. Very disorganized half time couldn't find papers looking for. Unable ti answer my questions. Got to wouldn't return calls and blamed me for it. Paralegal was who I talked to if they answered and she didn't know would say was going to ask mrs. Davis n never called back. Wasn't looking after welfare of kids
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