Overall rating
Richard carmody jr
23 Feb, 2021
James burnham
23 Feb, 2021
Todd mandel I have known for about 12 yrs and hes done at least 10 cses from
Traffic to devorce to assualt case and car accidents n work man comp issues to custody cases m some other minor cases for me and my family and friends.he hasn't lost one out of all of those cases he has done for me and my family. Always hs been on time and prepared for each one of them and he was very professional in and out of court.i believe he has Angel's from heaven on his side.i know his belief in god and being a righteous person has taken him to the top of field.he donates his time when he can to help out less fortunate people and always listens to his clients and if seen they was a little off on payments he would give them discounts or if he couldn't do that he would make sure to not take there last dime hes type of beautiful soul that would tell them to maybe do small payment n when things get better to go back to normal payments..he understands the people even if he isnt flat broke or has to beg for cash he does what he can to put his self in a family's shoes who are barely surviving..sometimes he buys his clients lunch or even just sits and listens to them to better understand them and get a better insight on what happened and if the case is legit.he never just turns down a client he had to see them and go threw what happened n make sure his clients fit what he wants to represent in court if they are not truthful and try to pull one over him he will find out and not take the case hes never desperate to or money it dont control him as a person or as an attorney hea a great man with a big heart who cares n gives respect when its earned and always looks out for the best for himself and his clients hes beat attorney I ever meet I have personally hung with him and done work on his building just because hes done me favors i comsider him a great man truthful and honest and made me wanna help him like he had helped me on plenty my cases. He didnt know how to fix a roof leak but it's what I done for a living. I was happy to offer to help him with his leak todd Mandel is the best attorney I ever meet and just from knowing him win or lose on any my cases I will still use him as my attorney he respects me and all he meets.i believe he has a guardian angel walking around with him he has morals and is a peaceful kind man who never turns down anyone on looks or if they have bunch of cash either he is truly my friend and my attorney and one best men I know and have meet on this cruel world we all have to make do in..I always recommend my friends n family to him hes top notch attorney and does his job to perfection or as close as he disabled and I'm going crippled and every day I go threw in bearable pain n suffering and soon I'll be kn a wheel chair myself and Todd both know I have a back disease that takes all the joy and happiness out of my life and i try best to just laugh n go on and give fake smiles and do my best to act normal.but he knows my situation and my pain and my suffering I ho threw and he dont let me sit and feel sorry for myself he makes jokes and tells me how good I am and what a great job I do with my daughters and that my family loves me and others too so to take my pain my anger my suffering and put it all together mix it up and smile at my beautiful lovely daughters and know not all men can say that honestly my daughters n caring on all my goodness n pass that goodness I spread on to all those I meet n treat everyone with respect n kindness and he sees those girls spread love.n happiness to all those they meet just like there dad..n at this point I have no anger no pain no feelings down on myself hes just like family to all his clients n brings best out of all he meets..hes my friend n hes just best attorney friend and close person in my life to me and i bet almost 100 % of his clients feel same way as I do..and hes the best attorney I n my life.i hope this is what is wanted from me to write about todd lie hes the best attorney I ever meet and he has a great soul
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Munpreet thiara
16 Feb, 2021
William goehl
15 Feb, 2021
Mr Mandel and his staff is the best attorney firm in the country.
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Gavin goehl
11 Feb, 2021
He did a great job handling my car accident case, was very efficient. He got me lots of money in the case and saved me lots as well.
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Bongo herhold
11 Feb, 2021
Through the years, I have had the need to use the services of The Mandel Law Group. Headed by attorney, Todd Mandel, their responsiveness, professionalism and effectiveness are second to none. I highly recommend them to anyone needing quality legal services.
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Bill latz
11 Feb, 2021
Mr. Mandel handled a difficult case and resolved it when another law firm (the big one) wasn't interested. He's a fighter!
Responsive, very pleasant staff too.
Great result, thank you Mr. Mandel.
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Whitney bennett
06 Feb, 2021
I love working with this group, they are amazing and very professional. We ALWAYS win.
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Jeff citrin
06 Feb, 2021
Todd is an excellent attorney. If you’ve been hurt or injured he’ll give you exceptional service negotiating on your behalf.
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George vickers
06 Feb, 2021
Mr Mandell. Law Firm Represents
Many Families that i know of and
All of them including me are we'll
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Kurt hibler
06 Feb, 2021
Adrianne redmond
06 Feb, 2021