Overall rating
17 Sep, 2018
Ryan helped me design and obtain a favorable signed parenting plan with an uncooperative other side. He was patient with my millions of questions too.
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16 Jun, 2016
Ryan was very involved in our case and never failed to get back to me when I called or sent a text. That's important. I would highly recommend him for anyone going through this process.
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02 Feb, 2016
Ryan was assigned to my case by my original attorney who went on maternity leave. While Ryan wasn't particularly familiar with the history of my case he quickly brought himself up to speed and my case was eventually settled. I am happy that part of my life is over but if I would ever find the need for representation again, I would call Ryan.
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29 Jan, 2016
Divorce is not easy as it can be a very emotional time. Ryan did a great job of listening, giving me all of my options and representing me in a very professional manner. I would highly recommend working with Ryan as I have shared his name friends of mine looking for an attorney to work with.
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29 Jan, 2016
My divorce was a very difficult one, since I was the one who wanted to stay in the marriage. I was also going through a health crisis at the same time. He stood toe to toe with opposing counsel when it was needed, and he wouldn't let them take advantage of me or the situation. When all was said and done, I got everything that I needed to move on with my life.
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29 Jan, 2016
While I understand my situation is not unique, I never felt like I was just another case in his book. I knew I had a friend in my corner. A friend who not only knows how to fight, but just as importantly, when to.
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29 Jan, 2016
This was an emotional issue because it involved a family member. Ryan handled it with sensitivity and professionalism. He prepared me to testify at the hearing but convinced the client to sign the order without going through the hearing, which would have been very uncomfortable. It ended as well as such a thing can.
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29 Jan, 2016
Divorce isn't always easy. So, it helps to have someone who understands both the personal and professional consequences. I certainly recommend him.
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18 Sep, 2013
Mr. Munro knows what he knows, and more importantly, he knows what he doesn't know, and he prepares himself in advance if you have an unusual issue, as I do. He has quite a commanding presence and isn't afraid to use it on behalf of his client if necessary, without resorting to rudeness or inappropriate behavior, as I have seen other attorneys do. Because my issue isn't quite resolved I am not comfortable citing any degree of detail, but I am confident in Mr. Munro and very happy that he's on my side and not the opposition's. He has the reputation and experience of a strong, established firm full of very fine attorneys to draw upon, and he is up to the task. I believe I would be more than a bit nervous if he were on the other side.... and really, what better compliment can you pay to a law professional?
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