Overall rating
Ryan keane
03 Jun, 2016
Chris is an extremely talented and intelligent lawyer. His ability to tackle the most challenging of cases, and win them, is second to none. He works tirelessly for his clients and consistently provides an unparalleled level of commitment to his clients' needs and best interests. Any potential client who is considering Chris Dixon as their attorney should not hesitate to seize the opportunity to hire this exceptional lawyer.
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Julia dodge
09 May, 2016
The Dixon Injury Firm is amazing! They work incredibly hard to make a confusing process much easier after an accident. Keeping their clients informed about every aspect of the case is probably what I like the most. I highly recommend their personal injury lawyers!
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Kendall smith
02 Feb, 2016
Great Job!
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01 Feb, 2014
If you’ve been in an accident caused by someone else and need the assistance of a personal injury attorney, I would enthusiastically and unequivocally recommend Chris Dixon. From the moment you meet Chris, you’ll know that you have found a compassionate and relentless advocate, someone who is willing to fight for you through every step of the legal process. Chris is tough—unafraid to go up against the self-serving interests of big insurance—in order to secure the compensation you need. It’s hard enough—really, exhausting and overwhelming—to manage the personal side of a tragic loss, but when you and/or a loved one has been physically injured, you need a top trial lawyer like Chris on your side to make sure that you receive the maximum amount for all the pain and suffering you’ve endured.
Some personal injury firms make their money by handling a high volume of cases, representing lots and lots of clients, not unlike an assembly line. No way do they have the time to give your case the personalized time and attention it requires. If they only recover a small or even moderate amount for your losses, their attitude is: “oh well, there are 100 more cases waiting in the wings”. That’s not Chris’ practice model because it goes against everything he believes and the values his law firm stands for. Chris believes that each case deserves his undivided time and attention because each represents a person who has entrusted him with the awesome responsibility of making sure that their tragic losses are not minimized or ever forgotten. If you need a top accident lawyer, call Chris Dixon. I’ve seen the amazing results of his work: you’ll be in the best of hands.
Lyn Pickel
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Brian take
19 Sep, 2013
We hired Chris after a car accident in St. Louis. Chris immediately took all of our concerns away. While this process was extremely unfamiliar, we felt informed and in control. With Chris’ help, our personal injury settlement was much more than I thought the insurance company would pay. If you ever need an accident attorney, I would recommend you call Chris.
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Geoff jones
17 Sep, 2013
St. Louis accident lawyers don't come any better qualified than Chris. These insurance companies want nothing more than to make a buck at the expense of all of us who pay our premiums on time. However, after a car accident, all they want to do is find a way to deny the claim or pay as little as possible for your injuries. It is beyond frustrating that we pay so much for insurance and they could care less when you need help. Chris is able to take that stress away and make sure you receive what is fair for your injuries. God forbid you find yourself in need of a personal injury lawyer, Chris comes highly recommended.
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Christopher mroz
25 Jul, 2013
If you are looking for top injury lawyer in St. Louis, Missouri, I highly recommend Chris Dixon. Chris makes it his passion to fight for those hurt following any sort of accident. While all insurance companies will fight to protect their profits, Chris fights to level the playing field for accident victims. In addition, Chris continuously gives back to the St. Louis community through his role as the founder of the 501(c)(3) charity the St. Louis Suit Project.
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David dodge
03 Jul, 2013
The best car accident lawyer in St. Louis is Chris Dixon. After my car crash in St. Louis, the insurance company for the other driver called me constantly trying to offer me a few hundred dollars to go away. I refused to accept anything since I was just beginning treatment. I had no idea what my future held. Once I hired Chris, the insurance company immediately changed their tone. It was truly a different experience and the all the harassing calls stopped. I was kept informed at every stage of the case and received a great settlement for my car accident when my treatment was complete. I will never again try to deal with the insurance companies on my own. The insurance company understands that since I am not a lawyer, they can make whatever ridiculous offer they want, and I either have to accept it or try to file a lawsuit on my own. These insurance companies are simply trying to make money by refusing to pay what is owed to people hurt in car accidents. I highly recommend Chris if you ever need a St. Louis personal injury lawyer.
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Stephen schultz
02 Jul, 2013
Chris has been diligently working as a personal injury lawyer in St. Louis Missouri for several years. I have seen great things from him as a lawyer, both in case results and dedication to personal service to his clients. I would recommend Chris for any complex injury case and put him up against the big insurance companies any day!
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Julie gladstone
01 Jul, 2013
Mr. Dixon goes out of his way to stay in contact with clients and keep them informed. He will answer his phone and emails at all hours of the day and night to keep his injured clients up to date on their case and on their potential settlement. From the very beginning he gives an honest opinion and honest legal advice, evaluating the true worth of your case. I would recommend him over any other lawyer in Missouri.
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Steve r.
25 Oct, 2010
I was driving with my girlfriend when we were hit from the side by a drunk driver. I was in the passenger seat and ended up missing a lot of work as I recovered in the hospital. My injuries were worse than I had expected. A close friend of mine recommended Mr. Dixon and said to call him in order to avoid dealing directly with the other driver's insurance company.
Mr. Dixon represented my girlfriend and I against the insurance company. When the insurance company gave us an offer that we thought was unfair, Mr. Dixon filed suit and was able to recover three times the amount of the insurance company's initial offer.
Chris Dixon was personable, aggressive and effective. I was impressed with his professionalism and the compassion he had for our case. I got a great result and would recommend him to anyone that has been involved in an accident or injured otherwise.
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20 Oct, 2010
Christopher Dixon represented me after I was seriously injured in a truck crash in Missouri. He was aggressive and compassionate. I was always able to get a hold of Chris without having to leave multiple messages. Chris fought against the insurance agency of the truck company to ensure I had money to pay for all of my medical bills and lost wages. In addition, I felt like I received the money that was fair for my pain and suffering. I highly recommend Chris Dixon if you or a loved one has been injured in a truck crash in Missouri.
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