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James neuhart
16 Nov, 2017
20 Jul, 2017
I hired Jon in July of 2016 to help me with my divorce and custody case. I was leaving an abusive relationship and starting over from nothing. I got his name from an abuse organization that recommended him as a good lawyer. I decided to hire him as he said he would be able to accept payments and could get it over for me quickly.
It has now been a year later and still nothing is finalized. He never returns phone calls and very rarely does he reply to emails, even after court hearings. There was a time when my ex was harassing me that resulted in the cops being called and I asked Jon for his help, and even then he did not respond to me.
We had set up a temporary custody agreement in September of last year. In October, I told him I wanted to change the agreement and that it was not working. He did nothing about my custody until March of 2017. By that time, no one would listen to my complaints as the agreement "had been in place for months now and had been working thus far".
I would have to call or email several times before I ever got a response from him. And he charged me every time he blew me off. I have currently been waiting for him to finalize the paperwork for months.
I needed a lawyer that was going to have my back and protect me from my ex. He has not done this once. My finances are now a mess because Jon has taken so long on my case, that I have been paying debts on my own since there is no court order saying my ex owed anything yet. I am to a point where my credit is ruined. I can't even continue with my college because I need the divorce to be finalized first so I don't have to use my ex's income. My ex continues to win everything. I feel like I had no guidance through this already hard experience and it has been drug out far too long.
I suggest going with someone who has time to deal with your case and will treat you like a person.
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Nate kellison
14 Jul, 2017
L woods
23 Apr, 2017