24 Mar, 2024
My review comes from a different perspective as my ex-husband retained Augustine Osuala to represent him in our most recent custody case.
My only contact with Mr. Osuala was when he questioned me during cross-examination. Mr. Osuala asked me to detail a traumatic event that occurred a few years ago, where
my mental health was at its worse and I attempted to end my life one night. I immediately knew the tactic he was using; trying to prove I’m mentally unfit to have full custody. (By the time of this hearing, I had worked hard therapeutically to get to a much healthier life and continue each day doing the work to heal)
Mr. Osuala was ruthless and calculated in his questioning that day. He knew the difficulty I was having and continued asking me to detail every part of that night - he continued despite me asking him to stop. While Mr. Osuala and his client, my ex, did lose this case, he did provide my ex with a win. My ex was given the satisfaction of knowing the intricate details of one the worst nights of my life, which my ex delighted in watching me struggle to keep it together on the witness stand.
Mr. Osuala, there is a difference of being in a business where every aspect of your job as a custody lawyer is to make the other party look terrible in hopes of helping your client win. But, doing it in a way that lacks compassion, empathy and morals is disgraceful. I hope you take this not as a negative review, but as a a moment to reflect on your actions and hopefully do better moving forward with future cases. I’ve added the definitions below as a reference and a quote that is fitting for my hopes for you and your future endeavors, Mr. Osuala.
{Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.}
~Maya Aangelou
•Compassion: {noun} com·pas·sion [kəmˈpaSHən]: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others: and compassion for humans.
•Empathy: {noun} em·pa·thy [empəTHē]: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
•Morals: {adjective} mor·al [môr(ə)l]: concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.
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