14 May, 2016
I learned a valuable lesson never retain an attorney when colleagues with many years working in a court of law with Mr. Drobbin is unwilling to endorse him on this site.
It's vital I share my experience because nobody should fall victim to the defendant you have no choice to file judgment and the attorney who is supposed to be representing you ethically and in a professional manner.
Soon after retaining Mr.Drobbins. Several red flags became obvious and concerning.
I noticed dates and times not appearing on any of his emails I printed to keep a hard copy on file. I must admit. It raised an eyebrow and I was praying the sinking feeling i had was merely paranoia. This guy isn't cheap so i set up a limit from the start to avoid issues later.
I would only agree to pay as you go with a final total at the end and I assure you.
There was no miscommunication on my part. 2 months after retaining his services. He wanted more money and added additional costs by informing me I had obtain a costly expert.
This was upsetting news and unacceptable after he said wasn't required prior my decision to sign his agreement.
As quickly as he promised and i signed his contract.
I was trapped, I felt violated and betrayed. The trust value was gone. Especially after he said loudly it wasn't his problem!
He works for LeClairRYAN LLC a very large legal firm I'm seriously considering suing besides filing a complaint to the office of attorney ethics of the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
Always ALWAYS! keep documents in a safe place and be alert because you might need to fight your case to defend yourself from guys like this who fit the bill of a used car salesman with a chip on his shoulder.
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