Bari Weinberger, experienced Divorce, Domestic Violence attorney in Parsippany, NJ with 0 reviews
Lawyer credibility
rating system
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
Below Average 4,00
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Bari Weinberger

119 Cherry Hill Road Suite 120, Parsippany, NJ

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0.0 / 5
Data reflects the status as of the latest update. Updates are typically done monthly.


License ID number: -

Licensed in: -

Year admitted: -


1994 - 1997:
Suffolk University Law School, J.D.
1990 - 1994:
University of Massachusetts - Amherst, B.A. | Legal Studies, Sociology and English


September, 2021:
Strangulation: How 'Rough Sex' Defense Doesn’t Wash in DV Cases, 2021
September, 2013:
Is Divorce a Virus? The Social and Seasonal Forces of Divorce Contagions,
September 9, 2013:
Misperceptions in the Alimony Reform Battle in New Jersey,
September 6, 2013:
How Our Schools Can Better Serve Children of Divorce, Huffington Post
September 20, 2019:
Why More Can Be Done to Prevent Forced Marriage in NJ, New Journal Law Journal
September 20, 2017:
Toxic Divorce? Forget the Hazmat Suit and Do This Instead, The Good Men Project
October, 2022:
Travel Rewards: Don't Miss These Valuable Overlooked Assets in Divorce, New Jersey Law Journal
October, 2021:
NDAs: When Can Divorcing Spouses Prevent Social Posting?, New Jersey Law Journal
October, 2016:
Recognizing the Cost of Financial Abuse,
October, 2014:
A Year After NJ’s Same-Sex Marriage Ruling, Law Remains Hazy, New Jersey Law Journal
October, 2012:
Binders Full of Divorce Clients? How To Election-Proof Your Marriage, Huffington Post
October 7, 2014:
Professional Sports and Domestic Violence: Celebrity Favoritism or Weak Domestic Violence Laws?, Huffington Post
October 4, 2018:
Who Gets the Bitcoin in the Divorce?, New Jersey Law Journal
October 18, 2017:
7 Ways to Help Victims of Financial Abuse Break Free, Huffington Post
October 11, 2017:
Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence Need to Hear This: Your Safety Matters More Than Your ICE Status,
November, 2018:
Meet the Law Journal's Top Women in Law 2018, New Jersey Law Journal
November, 2017:
Tri-Parenting, Law Journal Newsletters
November, 2014:
Alimony Reform in New Jersey: A Primer, New Jersey Law Journal
November, 2011:
In Today's Uncertain Financial Times, Mediated Divorce Makes More Sense Than Ever, Huffington Post
November 27, 2023:
Spousal Spying, Hidden Assets and Digital Errors: Cyber Warnings in Family Law Cases, New Jersey Law Journal (Cybersecurity Supplement)
November 22, 2013:
Making the Best of this Pre-Divorce Holiday Season, Huffington Post
November 12, 2012:
Dealing with Disasters & Aftermath Of Superstorm Sandy, Divorced or Not | November 12, 2012, Huffington Post
May, 2022:
Divorce on FIRE: When Splitting Up Threatens Early Retirement Plans, New Jersey Law Journal
May, 2021:
Cryptocurrency: The New Frontier for Asset-Hiding in Divorce, New Jersey Law Journal
May, 2017:
Common Law Marriage, Law Journal Newsletters
May, 2017:
In Case of Deportation: How NJ’s Undocumented Immigrants Can Povide For Their Children, New Jersey Law Journal
May, 2016:
Why Questions About Cohabitation and Alimony Still Linger After Alimony Reform,
May, 2013:
Kids fare better in same-sex divorces, too: A Q&A On Gay Divorce,
May, 2013:
Military Divorce: Why Are So Many Female Service Members Getting Divorced?, Diversity Journal
March, 2023:
Documenting Parental Alienating Behaviors and Custody Interference, New Jersey Law Journal
March, 2022:
Hiding Assets in High Net Worth Divorce: Red Flags, Effective Searches and Potential Penalties, New Jersey Law Journal
March, 2014:
Inadmissible – Rachel Canning Case, New Jersey Law Journal
March, 2012:
Dating During Divorce? Not So Fast..., Huffington Post
March 19, 2013:
Divorce: Take Time for Emotional Clarity in Decisions | March 19, 2013, Huffington Post
March 14, 2014:
Mothers vs. Fathers vs. Parents: Court Decision Banning Fathers From the Delivery Room Raises Questions for Alternative Families, Huffington Post
June, 2023:
Child Custody: Why Cookie-Cutter 50/50 Won’t Pass Muster in 2023, New Jersey Law Journal
June, 2021:
How Can NJ Family Courts Help Couples Speed Up Their Divorce?, New Jersey Law Journal
June, 2016:
When Divorced Parents Disagree About Who Pays for College, Think Advisor
June, 2012:
10 Things Divorce Attorneys Won't Say, Smart Money
June, 2012:
House Rules: 5 Tips To Being Divorced And Still Living Together, Huffington Post
June 10, 2013:
At What Point Do Fetuses Have Rights? Legal Protection for Unborn Children Is Increasing, Huffington Post
July, 2022:
Divorce, Forced Asset Sales, and Silver Linings?, New Jersey Law Journal
July, 2017:
Why Family Law Attorneys Are At The Front Lines Of Today’s Immigration Crisis,
July, 2015:
Gay Marriage Ruling Not a Clear Windfall for Lawyers, New Jersey Law Journal
July, 2014:
Enhancing Lives Through Compassionate Family Law Counsel,
July, 2012:
Interview: Do ATRO requirements vary from state to state?,
July 9, 2014:
Politics & Religion: Are Pro-Marriage Supporters Waging a New War in Divorce?, Huffington Post
January, 2023:
Divorce in 2023: What NJ Spouses Need To Consider, New Jersey Law Journal
January, 2022:
Social Media & Cyber Warnings in Family Law Cases Learnings for 2022, New Jersey Law Journal
January, 2021:
Post-Pandemic, Child Custody Agreements Will Never Be the Same, New Jersey Law Journal
January, 2017:
Why does The Myth Of common Law Marriage Persist?,
January, 2015:
The Future of Palimony After Maeker vs. Ross, New Jersey Law Journal
January, 2015:
U.S. Supreme Court to Decide on Same-Sex Marriage, Family Lawyer Magazine
January, 2013:
Interview: New Tax Rules Complicate Divorce, Wall Street Journal
January, 2012:
Minimizing the Impacts of Divorce, Ehealth Radio Network
January 6, 2015:
Beyond Divorce: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Spouses Sue Each Other, Huffington Post
January 15, 2020:
Social Media Tort Claims in Divorce: Targeted Harassment, or Just Venting?, New Jersey Law Journal
January 13, 2015:
7 Resolutions to Having a Great Newly-Divorce Year, Huffington Post
February, 2021:
Looking Out for Manipulated 'Deepfake' Evidence in Family Law Cases, New Jersey Law Journal
February, 2017:
New Jersey Child Support Changes: Statue Feb 1 2017,
February, 2016:
Connection Between the Super Bowl and Domestic Violence Deserves More Nuanced Look,
February, 2014:
Same-Sex Couples in NJ: Are Both Divorce and Dissolution Necessary?, New Jersey Law Journal
February, 2012:
Four Common Misconceptions When Contemplating Divorce, Examiner
February, 2012:
Top 4 Tax Tips For Divorcing Couples, Huffington Post
February 5, 2018:
It's a Wild Year for Divorce in New Jersey, Thanks to Trump Tax,
February 11, 2015:
Valentine’s Day Is For Divorced Families Too!, Huffington Post
December, 2022:
Don’t Take My Kids: Red Flags and Responsibilities in Child Custody Cases, New Jersey Law Journal
December, 2021:
NJ Palimony, Prenups and Cohabitation Agreements: Don’t Accept ‘My Word Is My Bond’ Promises?, New Jersey Law Journal
December, 2012:
'Tis the Season... To Give Divorce Gifts?, Huffington Post
December, 2011:
6 Ways Divorced Parents Can Get More Time With Their Children During the Holidays, Huffington Post
December 28, 2018:
New Alimony Tax Rules Are Here, But Are They Fair?, New Jersey Law Journal
December 15, 2018:
Ask the Child Custody Expert: Do I Need Permission to Move Out of State with My Child?, New Jersey Family
December 11, 2013:
Three Reasons Why January May Be the Best Time to File for Divorce, Huffington Post
August, 2022:
Peter Pan Support: When Can Parents Stop Financially Supporting Adult Children?, New Jersey Law Journal
August, 2021:
Vaccine and Other Health-Care Decisions for Minors, New Jersey Law Journal
August, 2020:
No More Failing Victims of Domestic Violence,
August, 2018:
Who Gets the Bitcoin in the Divorce?, New Jersey Law Journal
August, 2016:
Raising an Olympian and Child Support,
August, 2016:
Serving Your Spouse For Divorce On facebook: Social Media’s New Legal Savvy,
August, 2012:
Divorce and Devotion: How Does Religion Factor In Splits?, Huffington Post
August, 2012:
Divorcing Parents: 5 Tips For A Successful School Year, Huffington Post
August 3, 2018:
New Surrogacy Law Offers New Hope for Infertile Couples,
August 28, 2014:
Separate or Recently Divorced Parents, Get Ready for a New Back-to-School Routine, Huffington Post
August 22, 2019:
Is Your Spouse Hiding Assets in Your Divorce?, The Good Men Project
April, 2022:
Personal Property and the ‘Handbag Divorce’: Who Gets the Birkin?, New Jersey Law Journal
April, 2021:
In Divorce, Online Mishaps and Digital Mistakes Lurk Everywhere, New Jersey Law Journal
April, 2016:
What if an Erin Andrews Case Happened in New Jersey?,
April, 2012:
Don't Let Social Media Sabotage Your Divorce, Huffington Post
April, 2012:
Who's Your Daddy? Paternity Testing and the Nature of Fatherhood, Huffington Post
April 14, 2014:
When Parents of a Child with Autism Divorce: Separating Myth from Reality, Huffington Post
6 Books Every Divorcing Woman Should Read, Huffington Post
7 Secrets for a Child-Centered Divorce, Huffington Post
7 Secrets to Speeding Up Your Divorce, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
Dangerous Behaviours in Divorce, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
3 Steps to Take when Preparing to Modify Custody Plans, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
3 Tips for Negotiating Alimony, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
5 DANGERS for DIVORCING DADS, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
5 ways to break through CUSTODY BATTLES, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
7 Common Child Custody Mistakes To Avoid, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
7 Common Custody Mistakes Women Make, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
7 Perilous Pitfalls in a Do-it-Yourself Divorce, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
ABCs of LGBT Adoption, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
Are You Prepared for Your Day in (Divorce) Court?, Huffington Post
Common Misunderstandings About Common Law Marriage, New Jersey Law Journal
DOCTORS: Avoid The Divorce Mistakes That Could Put Your Practice in Jeopardy, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
Domestic Violence Safety Plan (LGBT), Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
Domestic Violence Safety Plan (Women), Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
Filing For Divorce In Spring? Avoid These 6 Perilous Mistakes!, Huffington Post
Free-Range Parenting vs. Helicopter Parenting: How do NJ courts decide if parents are neglectful?,, New Jersey Law Journal
Getting Served On Social Media: How Some Spouses Are Using Facebook To Divorce, Huffington Post
Getting the Prenup You Need!, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
Getting The Skinny On Protecting Your Assets in Divorce, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
It Adds Up: Financial Abuse Is Domestic Abuse, Huffington Post
Open Letter To The NFL About Domestic Violence, Huffington Post
Perilous Mistakes Men Make In Divorce, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
Perilous Mistakes Women Make In Divorce, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
Pokémon Go…ne! Can Divorced Co-Parents Protect Kids from Excessive Screen Time?, Huffington Post
Spousal Cyber-Spying: Are You At Risk?, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
The Use of Service Via Facebook in Matrimonial Law, New Jersey Law Journal
Unity on the Homefront: Helping Veterans Stay Married, Huffington Post
When Divorced Parents Disagree About Who Pays for College, New Jersey Law Journal
When Grandkids Need You To Care For Them, What Are Your Legal Options?, Huffington Post
When You’re Divorced, Which Parent Pays For Your Child’s Olympic Dreams?, Huffington Post
3 Reasons Why Being a Divorced Dad In 2015 Is Better Than Ever, Huffington Post
5 Costly Divorce Mistakes to Avoid, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
5 Steps To Choosing The Right Divorce Attorney, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
Back to School: 3 Ways To Tell If Your Child Custody Agreement Is The Right Fit, Huffington Post
Discovered Your Spouse Is on a Cheating Website: Should You Save or Ditch Your Marriage?, Huffington Post
Divorcing a Narcissist: 5 Top Tips, Huffington Post
LGBT Parents 101, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
LGBT Relationships 101, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library
New Jersey Family Law Practice, Associate Author, New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, 14th Ed., 2010, New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education
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Best lawyers in Parsippany, NJ

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Laura A Siclari, experienced Litigation attorney in Parsippany, NJ with 8 reviews
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
star star star star star
8 Reviews
star star star star star
10 Mar, 2021 by Nadia
I have worked with many lawyers over the years, anything from litigation to employment, real estate, tax, IP and general corporate matters and I have worked with Laura on two separate occasions and she is extraordinary. Gentle and tough at the same time, great communication skills, sharp, passionate and won't stop until she achieve what she wants, and always, always one step ahead. I can't recommend her more and I know I can count on her again if needed. Thank you Laura.
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08 Mar, 2021 by Sam
Ms. Siclari is capable of defending my clients with complicated environmental issues with the NJDEP. She's knowledgeable of the environmental laws and regulations, and efficient with her time. She's been successful in resolving sensitive cases.
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star star star star star
09 Sep, 2019 by Dave
Laura helped me out with a Labor and Employment issue. She was able to quickly diagnose my situation and gave me some great advice. I look forward to recommending Laura moving forward and using her as an attorney should the need present itself in the future.
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Justin Anthony Marchetta, experienced Business, Government attorney in Parsippany, NJ with 2 reviews
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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2 Reviews
star star star star star
05 Jul, 2018 by Angelo
No-nonsense, knowledgeable, and professional are the words I would use to describe Justin. I hired him to defend me in Morris County court over a Contractor/Client dispute. At our first consultation he explained everything to me in detail. The day of court, Justin arrived early to explain what to expect during the proceedings. I did win the judgment and recovered my losses. I could not have done it without his hard work, I highly recommend Justin to anyone looking for a great attorney.
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07 Nov, 2012 by Anonymous
Mr. Marchetta is an excellent attorney. He helped me through a very difficult time and was able to successfully get the outcome I was looking for. He is extremely professional and is always available to his clients.
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David J Bruno, experienced Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence attorney in Parsippany, NJ with 199 reviews
Lawyer credibility rating system is an internal lawyer evaluation system developed by the company based on a comprehensive analysis of more than 10 indicators. The rating can range from 0 to 100.
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20 Reviews
Google Maps
179 Reviews
star star star star star
13 Dec, 2024 by Michael manley
We operate the largest criminal law firm in mid Michigan. When we have clients call for a referral for a quality firm in New Jersey, the ONLY Firm we recommend is The Bianchi Law Group. Knowing these lawyers personally allows us to have the confidence that the referred legal matter will be handled at the highest level. Blue ribbon lawyers, impeccable ethics and a national reputation. This should be the first call you make.
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star star star star star
10 Dec, 2024 by Aaron seymour
I had an amazing experience with Bianchi Law! My attorney was on point, responsive and did what he said he would do. I felt like they were a good fit because they had experience as former prosecutors. I was not disappointed. If I could give them 10 stars I would. Highly recommended!
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03 Dec, 2024 by Tom muller
The best choice ever I make & call the Bianchi and it was around 530pm , at 7pm I received a call back from Bob and It was the best phone call I have .thank you Bob and be sure I will remember you always. Give him a call and you will not be disappointed. Thanks again Bop
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Questions? We have answers

What Questions Should I Ask Before Hiring a Lawyer?

Hiring the right lawyer is crucial for the success of your case. Here are some important questions to ask during your initial consultation:

  1. What experience do you have with cases similar to mine?
    Ensure the lawyer has relevant experience in the specific area of law pertaining to your case.
  2. How do you charge for your services, and what are the estimated costs?
    Understand the fee structure, including hourly rates, flat fees, retainer fees, and any additional expenses.
  3. Who will be handling my case?
    Find out if the lawyer will handle your case personally or delegate tasks to other attorneys or paralegals.
  4. What is your approach to resolving cases like mine?
    Learn about their strategy, whether they prefer negotiation, mediation, or litigation.
  5. What potential outcomes can I expect?
    While no lawyer can guarantee results, they can provide an assessment of possible scenarios based on their experience.
  6. How will you communicate with me throughout the process?
    Establish expectations for updates, preferred communication methods, and response times.
  7. What is the expected timeline for my case?
    Get an estimate of how long the process may take from start to finish.
  8. Do you have references from past clients?
    Testimonials or references can provide insight into the lawyer's professionalism and effectiveness.
  9. What challenges do you foresee in my case?
    Understanding potential obstacles helps you prepare and sets realistic expectations.
  10. Are there alternative ways to resolve my legal issue?
    Discuss options like mediation, arbitration, or settlement to resolve the issue efficiently.

Can a Lawyer Represent Me in Courts Outside of Parsippany, New Jersey?

Whether a lawyer can represent you in courts outside of your city or state depends on their licensure and the jurisdiction of the court:

  • Within the Same State:
    Lawyers licensed in a particular state can typically practice anywhere within that state, including all cities and counties. They can represent you in both state and federal courts located in that state.
  • Outside of Their Licensed State:
    If your case is in a different state, the lawyer must be licensed in that state to represent you. However, there are exceptions:
    • Pro Hac Vice Admission: An out-of-state lawyer can request special permission to represent a client in a specific case in another state. This requires filing a motion with the court and often working in conjunction with a local attorney.
    • Federal Courts: If your case is in federal court, a lawyer licensed in any state may be able to represent you, provided they are admitted to practice in that particular federal court.
  • International Representation:
    For cases outside the United States, different rules apply, and the lawyer may need to comply with the foreign country's legal requirements or collaborate with local counsel.

It's important to discuss your specific situation with the lawyer to determine if they can represent you in the desired jurisdiction and what steps may be necessary to do so.

How to Check the Credibility of a Lawyer

Before hiring a lawyer, it's crucial to verify their credibility and ensure they're qualified to handle your case:

  • Verify Their License:
    Check with your state's bar association to confirm the lawyer is licensed and in good standing. Most state bar websites have an online directory for this purpose.
  • Experience and Specialization:
    Ensure the lawyer specializes in the area of law relevant to your case. Review their website, professional profiles, and case history.
  • Disciplinary Record:
    Look up any history of disciplinary actions or complaints through the state bar association's records.
  • Client Reviews and Testimonials:
    Read reviews on legal directories like Avvo, Martindale-Hubbell, Google, or Yelp to gauge client satisfaction and experiences.
  • Professional Memberships:
    Membership in professional organizations or specialty bar associations can indicate a commitment to their field and adherence to high ethical standards.
  • Awards and Recognitions:
    Honors from reputable organizations reflect expertise and a positive reputation in the legal community.
  • Consultation Assessment:
    Use the initial consultation to evaluate their communication skills, responsiveness, and willingness to address your concerns.
  • Ask for References:
    A credible lawyer should be willing to provide references from past clients who can speak to their abilities and professionalism.

What Should I Prepare for My First Consultation?

To make the most of your initial meeting with a lawyer, come prepared with:

  • Relevant Documents:
    Bring all documents related to your case, such as:
    • Contracts or agreements
    • Correspondence (emails, letters, texts)
    • Legal notices or court papers
    • Financial records (if applicable)
    • Evidence (photos, videos, receipts)
  • Written Summary:
    Prepare a concise written summary of your situation, including key dates, events, and parties involved. This helps the lawyer quickly understand the context.
  • List of Questions:
    Write down any questions you have about your case, the legal process, fees, or the lawyer's experience.
  • Financial Information:
    If your case involves financial matters, bring relevant documents like pay stubs, tax returns, bank statements, or invoices.
  • Contact Information:
    Provide details of any witnesses or other parties relevant to your case, including their names and contact information.
  • Personal Identification:
    Bring a valid photo ID for verification purposes.
  • Pen and Notebook:
    Take notes during the consultation to remember important points discussed.
  • Budget Constraints:
    Be ready to discuss your budget and any financial limitations so the lawyer can provide appropriate guidance on fees and payment options.
  • Openness and Honesty:
    Be prepared to discuss your case candidly. Full disclosure allows the lawyer to give accurate advice and anticipate potential challenges.
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