Overall rating
Katri joutsimo
26 Jun, 2018
It is my pleasure to recommend Christopher Worth and his team for legal immigration services. They helped me to get my green card and showed extremely thorough knowledge and expertise in the field. Christopher is very personable, understanding, and supportive. I felt comfortable and safe in their capable hands! Their team always tries their best to help in every situation. The Law Office of Christopher Worth is very credible with reasonable pricing. I am forever grateful for the work they did to help me with my case!
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Irma rivera
18 May, 2018
Best word to describe this Law Office is: EXCEPTIONAL.
The Law Office of Christopher Worth along with Alejandra McKee is truly a wonderful duo working on Immigration cases. I was recommended to this attorney by friends. I began my case about three to four years ago, and even though it took some time to get my Green Card, I can’t be thankful enough to Mr. Worth and Mrs. McKee. Mrs. McKee is also a great translator who can help if your don’t understand English that well. Thanks to them as a student I’ll be able to pursue the career I wanted to pursue in college without any problems. Patience is a must, as these cases are not fast, but overall my experience with this law office was a wonderful one. Both Mr. Worth and Mrs. McKee are caring individuals and super helpful! They both make sure to answer your questions, concerns, and are very comprehensive. I most definitely recommend this law office to anyone looking for an immigration attorney!
La palabra más adecuada que describe esta Oficina de Leyes es: EXCEPCIONAL
La Oficina de Leyes de Christopher Worth junto con Alejandra McKee es en verdad un dúo increíble quienes trabajan en casos de inmigración. El abogado fue recomendado por mis amigos. Mi caso inmigratorio empezó hace tres oh cuatro años, y aunque tomó un poco de tiempo para obtener mi Green Card(Tarjeta Verde), yo no puedo esta más que agradecida con el Señor Worth y la Señora McKee. Más que nada, la Señora McKee es una buena traductora por si usted no entiende el Inglés. Gracias a ellos yo podré seguir estudiando la carrera que yo quería estudiar en la universidad sin ningún problema. Paciencia es algo muy necesario, ya que estos casos no son resueltos rápido. Sobre todo mi experiencia con esta oficina de leyes fue maravillosa. El Señor Worth, y La Señora McKee son personas con mucha empatía y son muy servicial. Ambos se encargan de responder a todas sus preguntas, y preocupaciones. Y también son muy comprensivos. Yo definitivamente recomiendo esta oficina de leyes a cualquier persona quien esté buscando un abogado de inmigración¡
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Consuelo terra
13 Apr, 2018
I fully recommend Christopher Worth as the most helpful and caring lawyer. He adviced me wisely in two occasions about no-inmigration visa situations.
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12 Apr, 2018
I had a very good experience with Atty Chistopher. Very friendly service was provided.
I am happy I chose Christopher to help me in getting my green card.
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Ramon esquivel
17 Jan, 2018
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Jen russell
16 Jan, 2017