Little flower child abuse case
01 Apr, 2023
Bruce young is no stranger to disciplinary actions as a lawyer he has been disciplined for maliciously deceiving client's the disciplinary action is public record
My story will Bruce is he created a false narrative on my complaint on a child abuse case and then expected me to do a deposition on a false narrative that he created and not putting my abusers in the case and sueing people that had nothing to do with the case a recipe for pure disaster and failure on me being victimized as a child through sexual assault
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24 Sep, 2020
He did to me what he did about 10 years ago to someone else please see the link.
I would not recommend Bruce Young to anyone.
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26 Jul, 2017
Bruce young was my lawyer when i was underage and is the best lawyer i have known. He did his best and beyond. I would recommend him to everyone..
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26 Aug, 2011
and I always do recommend this lawyer. Bruce stuck with me even when I would get a little crazy and most people just left me to be with myself. I will always admire and respect him to the fullest extent and if anyone should ever want a lawyer that will be there with you no matter what the outcome and will fight for you until the very end ... you should always go with what is best for you and Bruce Young is best for EVERYONE. I would only hire this lawyer for any legal issue I have.
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24 Jan, 2011
One year before I hired Bruce Young as a lawyer for an upward modification, he gave me his personal time telling me what I should do in those regards. I was planning on moving to Florida so he knew that I was not a prospective client at that time, yet he gave me his well thought approaches to the matter. When I did hire him, he bacame both a friend and an efficient lawyer who stood by me like no one has stood by me before! I felt safe going to court with him by my side. The insane things that my children's father could have said and done did not scare me. I had Bruce young by my side!
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19 Apr, 2010
I am a former client of Bruce A. Young. Over this past year Bruce Young helped me to attain a judgement against my delinquent former spouse. His knowledge of family court, judges, and current decisions in family court is excellent. His manner in court in making things clear and his mediation abilities both are excellent. I am very pleased with working with this attorney on very difficult and stressful issues.
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12 May, 2009
I retained B.A Young in Feb 2008 to help me regained custody of my only child and to modify child support being that when the inital decesion was made I was acting prose and basically got screwed. Bruce presented himself as a well organize and "know the law" type of laywer..The truth of the matter is that since I retained Bruce A. Young my nightmare of the system has gooten worse and Bruce has done nothing except to enhance anxiety.He does not return phone calls text email or any other possible way of communication. His retainer reads/states that he has law assistant and or paralegal. The truth is he has neither but yet will charge you as if he does! In additin he will never inform you of any decesion made in atimly matter in order for you to preserves you right. He will give all sorts of excuses as to why he did no follow up including HIS FAMILY comes first before any client or court apperance
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09 Mar, 2009
Like 10 other parents nationwide, the last time I saw my baby alive was when I lay him down in that Graco cradle. They got sympathy. I got my 5 children put into foster care. They would have stayed there until adulthood & had their lives ruined if not for Bruce Young.
NYC's CWA used every sneaky trick in the book to make sure my children never left that foster care hell... 5 homes in 7 months - 2 cases of abuse made against foster families... once, my kids lived in a foster care money mill housing 18 people including 9 foster children and a handful of foster MENTAL PATIENTS!
Bruce Young was regularly in his office working on cases until 11pm. His diligence paid off. He found the 'smoking gun' - documents that proved my caseworker was throwing my family under the bus to hide the fact that she neglected to offer us the family services her supervisor told her to when my baby was still alive. My kids were returned soon after Mr Young started asking the right questions! He's my HERO!
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