23 Jun, 2015
I cannot ever recommend this lawyer. She really hurt my case by not providing all the facts to me, while also misrepresenting matters, and making unilateral decisions on her own. She did not know how to correctly file even a basic pendente lite with proper supporting documents. Also when the Judge gave any orders, she would incorrectly interpret them. It is difficult to believe that was possible considering her many years of experience. Unfortunately, she also maintained a very hostile and acrimonious relationship with opposing counsel, and did not provide me all and especially crucial letters and paperwork from them. She was very expensive and billed for many hours of work that she could not possibly have put in. She was a very glib and smooth talker, and as she called herself a collaborative lawyer, I was mistaken into thinking she would try to settle the case. I was wrong, the case actually dragged on as she created many problems as a result of her failing to keep track of required legal technicalities in a timely manner. She set a very bad and poor tone for my case from outset, so later on the other attorney I was forced to hire had a very difficult time trying to get things back on track. She consumed huge amounts of money while getting a very poor outcome for my children. The Judge can only make decisions based on what is presented to him. She appeared to be intimidated while speaking to Judge or the Law secretary in chambers, so did not state facts. Also damaging was that she did not convey to me clearly or actually misrepresented what was said or advised by the Judge. I doubt this is an ethical way of practicing law. If required I can provide actual and specific instances. I do not have words strong enough to warn you to stay away from this attorney, unless you want a mess on your hands. I am writing this to try and make sure others do not suffer consequences similar to mine.
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